Theme The Information Age Janeth Restrepo
Postmodernism In the Early 20 th Century architects began to creating more functionally oriented buildings, composer created different methods of creating new music, and other intellectuals protested against of older ways of doings things. It can be define as an academic reaction or movement to the modernism in the humanities.
Music Philip Glass Born in 1937 in Baltimore. He is known for Einstein on the Beach, (1976) Played the violin, flute, loved Style Indian music, famous for his operas, Jazz an rock and roll.
Einstein on the Beach
Electronic Music It was another important massive effect. Karlheinz Stockhausen’s: Percussion, concrete Sounds, street noises, or birds calls. Aleatory (controlled chance serial composition).
Dance Lucinda Child (the postmodern choreographer). the first choreographed dance was in 1979 with music by Phillip Glass.
Lucinda Child Dance Video
Architecture Piazza d’Italia, New Orleans,
Courtyard of the Louvre Museum in Paris It is a Postmodernism Achievement. It has been a piece of history which has a didactic role to the public through lectures audiovisual and interactive productions. The Pei’s pyramid has become a type of space station for the arts.
Ben’s House Designer History at Franklin Court, Philadelphia.
Films Steven Spielberg created the horror film called Jaw. June 20, 1975
October 25, 1978
Double Self Portrait, Richard Estes. New Realism, (Neorealism Hyperrealism, and Photorealism)
Telephone Booths
Summary To Conclude, Music, dance, Architecture. Film, technology and communication are inclined by postmodernism developments and concepts. The world has been changing in the 20 th century and it continues varying everyday, It makes our life’s full of innovations and possibly we find advantages or disadvantages it depends on a lot of factors and circumstances.
Works Cited Aylesworth, Gary. :Postmodernism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2010 Edition) Edward N. Zalta (ed),>. Fiero, Gloria K. The Humanistic Tradition. 6 th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, Print. John, Beverly. “Postmodernism.” A journey Through Modern Philosophy Web. 18 July Lewis, Michael J. “Early Modernism.” American Art and Architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, Print. Poli, Francesco. Elastico,Milan ed. New York: Collins Design, 2008 Print.
Works Cited Armason, H H,., & Elizabeth Mansfield. History of Modern Art: Painting Sculpture, Architecture, Photography, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, Print..