Year 9 Music RAP Composition Based on the Environment
What is RAP RAP stands for Rhythmic American Poetry It usually involves at least one singer speaking in quick rhyme to a strong rhythm or beat A proper RAP song is usually based on a social issue e.g. living conditions in an urban area or gang issues. In November, the environment will be taught in many of your subjects including music.
See Your Resource Booklet for guidance What am I to do?? In groups of approx 5 pupils, you will compose a short verse consisting of at least 4 lines based on an environmental issue. Your group will be given one of the following topics to RAP about: Saving the planet Food waste Less pollution Saving energy Melting ice poles See Your Resource Booklet for guidance
Examples of a 4-line verse Topic: Energy En-er-gy, we waste so much Out the door in such a rush Lights left on, it’s such a waste Turn it off and start to save Try rapping this to a simple beat
Backing tracks To help you with the backing music, you will either use a backing track provided in class OR have an opportunity to put together your own backing track on GarageBand. Each group has to rehearse, perform and self-assess their RAP This is 30% of your Christmas Examination.