Welcome to ELED 300! Concepts of Teaching Dr. Greg Kniseley
Goals for First Class 1. To get to know each other. 2. To explore who we are as learners. 3. To identify mutual goals, commitment, and needs for teaching and learning. 4. To introduce the syllabus.
Components 1. Assignments Readings - Text and Web-based Readings - Text and Web-based Course Requirements Course Requirements 2. Class Meetings at RIC Direct Instruction and Presentation of Models, Strategies Direct Instruction and Presentation of Models, Strategies Unit and Lesson Planning; Reflection Unit and Lesson Planning; Reflection Evaluation (Exams) Evaluation (Exams) 3. Observations Schedule with Graduate Assistant Schedule with Graduate Assistant Reports Reports 4. Working with Children Unit and lesson Planning Unit and lesson Planning Team Meetings Team Meetings Reflections on Teaching and Learning Reflections on Teaching and Learning
Syllabus 1. Texts and C&W 2. Requirements and Due Dates 3. Course Schedule 4. Bb and C&W 5. Other Required Materials
Benefits of Bb Encourages instructor’s and students’ use of instructional technology - Submit assignments electronically - Word, Excel, PowerPoint Creates an electronic community of learners - Mail and Discussion - Class Photos Provides central location for information - Syllabus - Class Handouts and URLs - Assignments
Other Materials 1. Access to Internet 2. Hardware: Computer, Printer 3. Software: Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader 4. Peripherals: Digital Camera, Scanner, USB Drive 5. Timer (e.g., Kitchen, Cell Phone) 6. Chart Paper, Markers, Project Display Board
Turn and Talk Why Teach? Early Influences on Beliefs about Teaching Think about your own experiences. What factors influenced you to enter teaching? Think about your own experiences. What factors influenced you to enter teaching? How did they influence your views about teaching? How did they influence your views about teaching?
Pre-Assessment Purpose: Diagnostic; To confront prior knowledge, experience, and attitudes/beliefs about teaching and learning; to set goals for teaching and learning Types of Pre-Assessments External Source: External Source: Academic Record - Transcript Academic Record - Transcript Internal Source: Internal Source: Drawings and Writing Drawings and Writing Questionnaire Questionnaire
Nature of Learners 1. Developmental Characteristics (Emotional, Social, Cognitive, Physical) 2. Individual Characteristics (Temperament, Interests, Talents, Learning Differences) 3. Cultural Context
Pre-Assessment Drawing and Writing 1. To examine who you are as a learner. 2. To understand what you can know about your learners before you teach. 3. To understand perceptions how you can know about your learners before you teach.
I am a LEARNER Strengths (Talents, Intelligences) Needs (Learning Styles) Draw Yourself Learning Caption:
Recognizing Learning Styles A. Visual - Prefers to watch a demonstration, to view a chart, diagram, or photograph, or to read printed or electronic material B. Auditory - Prefers to listen to audio-media or to hear a person speak C. Kinesthetic - Prefers to handle and manipulate materials D. Multi-sensory - Prefers a combination of the visual, auditory, kinesthetic
Recognizing Strengths and Talents Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences A. Logical-Mathematical - Mathematician B. Linguistic - Writer of Poetry, Plays, Novels C. Musical - Musician, Listener of Music D. Spatial - Architect, Chess Player, Map Reader E. Bodily Kinesthetic - Dancer, Gymnast, Athlete F. Interpersonal - Community Organizer, Politician G. Intrapersonal - Counselor, Teacher, Writer H. Naturalist - Scientist, Painter, Photographer
Recognizing Needs Do you learn more successfully by... A. Working Alone B. Working Together (social interactive)
Recognizing Needs 1. Working Alone or Together ? 2. Individual or Cooperative, or Competitive Structures? 3. In Quiet Area or Areas With Sounds? 4. With Food and Drink or Without Food and Drink? 5. Multi-Tasking or One Thing at a Time ? 6. Morning or Afternoon or Evening ? 7. Limited Choice or Lots of Choice ? 8. Electronic or Printed Materials ? 9. External Rewards System or Internal Reward System 10. Colorful, Stimulating Environment or Environment Lacking Distractions 11. Assessed with Paper and Pencil Exams or Projects
Recognizing Needs Do you learn more successfully... A. During the morning B. During the afternoon C. During the evening
I am a TEACHER Strengths (Personal Qualities) Needs Draw Yourself Teaching Successfully Caption:
Questionnaire 1. To share with your instructor contact information, academic record, experience, questions, concerns, and needs 2. To practice using Bb Assignments