Masashi KUNITSUGU Head, National Typhoon Center Japan Meteorological Agency Regional Storm Surge Watch Scheme Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop Macao, China, 6-10 Sept 2010
(1) Storm surge disasters (incl. Cyclone Nargis, ) (2) 60 th WMO Executive Council (Geneva, ) Requested WMO/SG to facilitate development of Storm Surge Watch Scheme. (3) 14 th Regional Association II (Tashkent, ) Requested RSMC to consider participation in a Regional Storm Surge Watch Scheme, and to develop a proposal for consideration by the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee and the Association. Background
(4) 41 st Typhoon Committee (Chiang Mai, ) Approved WGM recommendation to authorize WGM/RSMC Tokyo to conduct a survey on the present status of Members in using storm surge models and to develop a future plan for the establishment of a Regional Storm Surge Watch Scheme suitable for the TC region. (5) 42 nd Typhoon Committee (Singapore, ) Approved WGM recommendation to produce the storm surge distribution map and report the evaluation in 43rd session. Background
In April, TCS circulated letter ( TCS/ ) asking Members’ cooperation to provide tidal data & bathymetric data to RSMC Tokyo. As of 31 st August, Tidal data: 4 Members (Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines, Viet Nam) Bathymetric data: 3 Members (Hong Kong, Macao, Viet Nam) have been provided to RSMC Tokyo. Currently, RSMC Tokyo is considering specifications (target areas, resolutions etc.) of storm surge distribution map for TC Members. In 2010 ( According to WGM AOP 2010)
In 2011 and forward From 2011 typhoon season, RSMC Tokyo plans to provide storm surge distribution maps through its Numerical Typhoon Prediction (NTP) website, dedicated website to support NMHS concerned ( From 2012 typhoon season, RSMC Tokyo plans to provide storm surge time series charts at one point for each TC Member (forecasting points to be increased in due course). Storm surge training will be conducted during the annual TC attachment training at RSMC Tokyo from 2011.
Preliminary Survey Distribution Map Time-series Chart Training Timeline of Regional Storm Surge Watch Scheme for TC Region Preparation Operation Operation (trial)
Thank you