1600’s-1800’s Japan stayed pretty isolated and separate from other countries with exception of China Japan stayed pretty isolated and separate from other countries with exception of China US ships would stop in Japan to replenish goods US ships would stop in Japan to replenish goods Eventually the US forced Japan to end the 200 years of isolation Eventually the US forced Japan to end the 200 years of isolation
Meiji Restoration 1867-Samurais overthrew Tokugawa 1867-Samurais overthrew Tokugawa people built modern industries and developed the economy people built modern industries and developed the economy Japan became wealthy and powerful Japan became wealthy and powerful They took control of Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria They took control of Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria
Pearl Harbor Japan allied with US, Britain & France and defeated Germany in WWI which expanded control of Germanic colonies in the Pacific Japan allied with US, Britain & France and defeated Germany in WWI which expanded control of Germanic colonies in the Pacific Suffered from the 1923 earthquake and Great Depression Suffered from the 1923 earthquake and Great Depression 1930-military takes over 1930-military takes over 1937-Japan invaded China & got closer to Germany & Italy 1937-Japan invaded China & got closer to Germany & Italy US stopped selling oil to Japan US stopped selling oil to Japan 1941-Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the US enters WWII 1941-Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the US enters WWII
WWII 6/1942-Japan lost the Battle of Midway 6/1942-Japan lost the Battle of Midway 2/1943-Japan lost the battle at Guadalcanal Island 2/1943-Japan lost the battle at Guadalcanal Island 1945-US bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945-US bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki Emperor Hirohito surrenders and the war is over Emperor Hirohito surrenders and the war is over
Economy and Government Post war, many of the people were homeless and without jobs Post war, many of the people were homeless and without jobs US gave them many loans and advice US gave them many loans and advice Mid-1950’s-Japan was back to a pre-war economoy Mid-1950’s-Japan was back to a pre-war economoy Today, Japan is one of the most powerful economies Today, Japan is one of the most powerful economies Free enterprise: people develop new ideas and expand business without government influence Free enterprise: people develop new ideas and expand business without government influence
Post War-Today US occupied Japan until 1952 US occupied Japan until 1952 Helped Japan set up a new government system and constitution Helped Japan set up a new government system and constitution Today Japan has a constitutional monarchy Today Japan has a constitutional monarchy Diet is the highest law- making body in the country Diet is the highest law- making body in the country 1945-Japan’s emperor was the head of government and is now a symbolic head of state 1945-Japan’s emperor was the head of government and is now a symbolic head of state
Culture More than 90% of the people live in urban areas More than 90% of the people live in urban areas Mainly apartment homes due to overpopulation; living in a single family home is extremely expensive Mainly apartment homes due to overpopulation; living in a single family home is extremely expensive Majority of people commute to their jobs or school using a subway system Majority of people commute to their jobs or school using a subway system Major sports: baseball and soccer Major sports: baseball and soccer Exchanges: sushi, flower arranging, Bonsai Exchanges: sushi, flower arranging, Bonsai