Germany blockaded Britain and France and did not allow any ship to get to their shores. American, British, and French ships were torpedoed. America claimed that we were only sending food to the Allies and issue an ultimatum to Germany…
A German U-Boats prepares to leave for patrol
British passenger ship left New York on its way to England. She was torpedoed by the Germans and 128 Americans were killed along with over 1100 British people. Wilson wants to declare war but the American people do not want to get involved in the war.
May 7 th, 1915…1, 198 souls lost at sea…
Germany secretly sent a telegram to Mexico. The British intercepted and decoded the telegram. Promised Mexico land it had lost in return for it declaring war on America. Asked Mexico to get the Japanese involved with the Central Powers
Wilson asks Congress to declare war on April 2, 1917