IMAGE BUILDING FOR SUSTAINABILITY IN HOME ECONOMICS C.A.H.E. Conference, Grenada Audrey A. Jones-Drayton (M. Ed.) 7 th April 2009
HOME ECONOMICS DEFINED “ A field of study and a profession situated in the human sciences and draws from a range of disciplines to achieve optimal and sustainable living for individuals, families and communities” Position Statement I.F.H.E. Think Tank
HOME ECONOMICS DEFINED Home Economists should be advocates for individuals and communities Position Statement I.F.H.E. Think Tank
VALUES IN HOME ECONOMICS healthy growth and development of all members of the family. good interpersonal relationships. foster their physical, moral and social growth and development. carry out intelligent decisions establish long-range goals for financial security
HOME ECONOMICS DEFINED Home Economics is “concerned with empowerment and well being of families while developing attributes of life long learning for paid and unpaid and voluntary employment” Position Statement I.F.H.E. Think Tank
ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED Values in Home Economics. Representing the image. The role of the Home Economist in the community Advocacy and the home economist.
VALUES IN HOME ECONOMICS plan consumption of goods and services. economical purchase of goods and services. maintaining a home. enrich lives through the creative use of leisure. participate in legislative and other social action. appreciation of differing cultures
REPRESENTING THE IMAGE Deportment Speech Social Skills Character
THE HOME ECONOMIST IN THE COMMUNITY Teacher Mentor Social worker but most of all should be an Advocate for social issues Other roles?
U.N. MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS – Poverty – Universal primary education – Gender equality – Child mortality – Maternal health – Environmental sustainability – HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases. – Global partnership for development
ADVOCACY DEFINED Cohen (2001) advocacy is the pursuit of influencing outcomes, such as public policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions, that directly affect people’s current lives.
ADVOCACY DEFINED Young and Everett (2004) defined advocacy as a deliberate process of speaking out on issues of concern in order to exert some influence on behalf of ideas or persons
METHODS OF ADVOCACY Interest-group advocacy: The main tool used is mass advocacy by lobbying Bureaucratic advocacy: “Experts” present the issues to decision-makers. Independent advocacy: Persons network or use personal contacts and strategies to institute change.
AN ADVOCATE Objectivity Independence Sensitivity and Understanding Knowledge and Judgment Assertiveness Ethics and Respect for Others
AN ADVOCATE Be culturally sensitive. Make accommodations for language. Make accommodations for the disabled. Refrain from abusive conduct. Adhere to a code of confidentiality. Be trustworthy and honest.
ARE YOU A TRUE HOME ECONOMIST ? Thank you for your attention !!