OECD/DAC (CPIs) “The Latin America Challenge” and another approach to BLIs and CPIs. OECD/DAC Task force on procurement. Nairobi 2010
2 Measuring Performance and Promoting Good Procurement Troubles identified during the CPIs: - The data is not always available (Lack of information systems or appropriate records) - Lack of a benchmark. The CPIs are not associated with a benchmark. - Different relevance of the CPIs. Some countries had developed their own CPIs. - Different criteria to develop the samples.
3 The Latin American challenge. Group of countries that shares: - Language - Religion - Culture - Form of government - Legal system - Procurement system?
4 The Latin American challenge. Cou ntry Bol.Chi.Col.CR.Ecu.GuaHonNic.Pan.Par.Per.Sal.Ven. Aver - age # Art. Law # Art. Reg Tot Much of the information and data of the OECD/DAC (BLIs and CPIs) is a related to the procurement legislation. A quick view to LA´s procurement legislation
5 The Latin- American challenge. Another approach to BLIs and CPIs Even when these countries seems to have different focus to the procurement issue, it is important to point out that exists many Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the LA´s countries and other countries. Also, many FTAs have a chapter that regulates public procurement, and establishes a common ground or are sharing key factors about procurement issues.
6 The Latin- American challenge. Another approach to BLIs and CPIs The FTAs are international treaties can be effectively enforced when a country has ratified them by adopting it into domestic law and approved by the executive, legislative and, in some cases, judiciary branch. It is possible to think that under these treaties, LA´s countries agreed to use procurement's national systems?
7 The Latin- American challenge. Another approach to BLIs and CPIs Perhaps, the FTAs can contribute to develop a line across the procurements systems of the LA countries. Relevant facts: - The integration and recognition among countries began and is based in economics issues (NAFTA, EU, MERCOSUR, etc.) - The use of the FTAs can be useful to asses federal countries (Brasil, Argentina, Mexico) Can these approach be develop and incorporated to de BLIs and CDIs?