The Forest Protocol & Project Case Study Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project California Cap-and-Trade Workshop Climate Action Reserve June 14, 2011
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA 2 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Overview About Blue Source Forestry Project Commercialization using the CAR Protocol Case Study: Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project Forestry’s Role in the Carbon Markets
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA 3 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio About Blue Source Carbon Credit Portfolio Leading domestic project development and marketing for over 10 years M tonne portfolio (function of specs) Have sold over 20M tonnes over the past 10 years Projects sourced from 49 states and most provinces in Canada Transacted what is believed to be the largest volume voluntary sale to date (9,000,000 tCO2e) Transacted what is believed to be the highest value voluntary sale to date ($12,000,000) Federal and state carbon advocacy leadership Developed the first protocols in numerous carbon categories More CAR listed forestry projects than any other developer Blue Source has built the largest portfolio of North American emission reduction credits and projects.
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA Forestry Project Commercialization using the CAR Protocol Feasibility Study / Due Diligence Project Submittal Form Forest Carbon Inventory – Design and Implementation Management Plan Project Design Document (PDD) Development Verification Registration Marketing 5 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Blue Source has extensive experience in creating and selling tonnes in the market. Speed, technical knowledge, and pricing strategies are central to the service offering
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project Native forest stands consisting of mixed pine and bottomland hardwoods Pre-sold tonnes to help achieve near term revenue to landowner 6 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio 2,750 Acres in Hyde County, NC Permit to convert to agriculture Based on anticipated carbon revenue decided to protect forest via easement instead
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA Alligator River Avoided Conversion Project A lot of steps: Designation of Authority Form Project Submittal Form Attestation of Title Boundary Map Signed Easement Inventory Growth Model Monitoring Plan Project Design Document First Verification Project Implementation Agreement Initial Registration of Tonnes Marketing of Project Ongoing monitoring/verification Transfer of Tonnes to Buyer 7 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Process to date: First biomass CRTs issued Verification of first soils-based CRTs underway (ARB stakeholder call confirmed inclusion) First-of application of protocol – many delays but will be a model for others to follow
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA Forestry Demand Offset Type (% Volume) Traded in Global Voluntary Market in 2010 Forestry garnered 42% of the market, a total of 29 MtCO2e. 8 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA 9 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Forestry Supply Domestic forest offset projects have gained momentum due to primacy as a compliance grade offset in draft regional and federal legislation, strong demand in the voluntary market and inclusion of forestry protocols in all domestic registries. Vast landscape of project types and geographic diversity Improved Forest Management (IFM) Avoided Conversion (AC / REDD) Afforestation Reforestation Potential volume on par with CCS or Renewable Energy 320 MT/yr US supply (McKinsey, 2007) Challenges exist in aggregating numerous small projects and landowners
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA No up-front, out-of-pocket costs Full forest + carbon inventory and assessment 10-year FSC management plan and certification 100% of FSC-certified wood product revenues 50%+ of forest carbon revenues – important new source of annual cash flow Inclusion in landscape-scale conservation project designed by TNC Landowner Benefits Focus and protect public/private investments Active and engaged landowners Repair degraded forests; maintain desired conditions Keep working landscapes working and in private ownership Public Benefits Blue Source – The Nature Conservancy ‘Working Woodlands’ Program 10 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA 11 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Blue Source Transaction Structures Unit-Contingent Portfolio Firm Pre-Compliance Diversification Options Upfront Financing Considerations Fixed and Variable Pricing
CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to NDA Thank You! 12 | Blue Source | A Leading Climate Change Portfolio Kevin Townsend Chief Commercial Officer Blue Source P: E: