EngageNY.org Addressing Students Foundational Skills: Case Studies Session 1, February 2014, NTI
Learning Target I can analyze and problem-solve systemic issues related to meeting students’ reading foundation and other skill needs. EngageNY.org2
Mix and Mingle Select one of the quotes from the “Perils of Adaptive Change” from the envelope on the table. Read your quote to yourself. Make a connection to your work in a school, district, or in the field of education more generally. Share your connection. EngageNY.org3
Norms for Collaboration Review the Norms for Collaboration Please rate yourself on the Norms Inventory based on how you just interacted in the Mix and Mingle activity. EngageNY.org4
World Cafe Each group of 5 selects a Recorder, who takes notes and STAYS BEHIND when others rotate. In addition, select a facilitator and timekeeper. (1 minute) Locate the case study on your table on colored paper (green or blue) EngageNY.org5
World Café cont. The Recorder sets up a piece of chart paper as follows: Case Study Number 1 or 2 at top. Read the case study independently. (5 minutes) Brainstorm answers to both questions at the end of the case study while the Recorder takes notes on the chart paper (use only the top half). (7 minutes) EngageNY.org6
World Café cont. Transition The Recorder stays behind. The rest of the group transitions to another table with the other color case study at it. You do not need to stay together as a group). EngageNY.org7
World Café cont. New Rounds The new group greets each other (2 minutes) The participants read their new case study, independently (5 minutes) The leader (the person who stayed behind) reviews what the last group said about the issues and resolutions. (3 minutes) The participants now brainstorm – stretching beyond the ideas of the first group (5 minutes). EngageNY.org8
World Café cont. The group reviews all of the recommendations on the second half of the chart (including the recommendations done by the group before) Select one you feel would be most powerful. That gets circled or starred. (2 minutes) EngageNY.org9
Synthesis How did the protocol and norms build a foundation for professional, solutions oriented conversation? What did you notice about your own self (your comments, your behavior) during this protocol? How is that similar or different than the way you interact when there is no intentional protocol or norms in place? How, if used over time, could processes like these build schools’ capacity to engage in adaptive change? EngageNY.org10
Journal What is important to remember about building solution- oriented cultures that are capable of adaptive change? EngageNY.org11