Creating a Data Roadmap Nicolle Steffen Keith Curry Lance Rochelle Logan Zeth Lietzau
Questions Why do I need a data roadmap? What are its major components and how do I build them? What do I do with it?
Why a Data Roadmap? Collect needed data efficiently Avoid duplication of effort Avoid research fatigue Maximize “bang for buck”
Why a Data Roadmap? Keep data on everybody’s radar Gain support Increase awareness Maintain quality & consistency
Why a Data Roadmap? Have data when needed Be prepared Be responsive Demonstrate competence
Data Roadmap Context Needs Assessment Goals Objectives Activities Data Roadmap Implementation Evaluation & Reporting
5 Milestones Along the Road Define success measures Identify needs for data Crosswalk data Talk about data Prepare to collect data
Milestone 1: Define Success Measures What does success look like? How will you measure it?
Milestone 1: Define Success Measures Data Trifecta Outcome Output Input
Milestone 1: Define Success Measures Integrating Different Data Types Why are all important? How do they relate? What do they tell you?
Library ALibrary CLibrary B
Library A 100% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills 85% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills Library CLibrary B
Library A 100% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills 85% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills Library CLibrary B 25 children participated 100 children participated 50 children participated
Library A 100% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills 85% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills Library CLibrary B 25 children participated 100 children participated 50 children participated $5,000 $10,000 $2,500
Library A 100% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills 85% of participating children increased or maintained reading skills Library CLibrary B 25 children participated 100 children participated 50 children participated $5,000 $10,000 $2,500 $200/child $100/child $50/child
Milestone 2: Identify Needs for Data Reporting Planning Managing Communicating
Milestone 3: Crosswalk Data Inventory existing data Identify new data needed Assess needs vs wants Identify overlaps & gaps
Milestone 4: Talk About Data Staff Administrators Stakeholders Share external requirements Listen to needs & concerns
Milestone 4: Talk About Data Staff Buy-in Before During After
Milestone 4: Talk About Data On Ground Strategies: Tips for getting staff buy-in
Milestone 5: Prepare to Collect Data Consider win-win opportunities Identify methods Locate / create instruments Establish timelines Inform / train key players
Milestone 5: Prepare to Collect Data On Ground Strategies: Tips for incorporating data collection & reporting into the library’s workflow
5 Milestones Revisited Define success measures Identify needs for data Crosswalk data Talk about data Prepare to collect data
As You Begin the Journey Data to collect Methods & schedule for collecting Informed involvement Process for sharing
Practice Individual Work Read scenario Consult case study Complete worksheet
Practice Group work Discuss measures Identify your trifecta Identify key players & their issues Report on chart paper Post on wall
Bringing It Home Think about your project Follow prompts in journal Be specific Go “off script”