S WITCHING How to wire different switching circuits
S WITCHING S YMBOL PoleThrow The Pole of the switch is where the switch pivots or is attached to our circuits. The Throw of the switch is where the switch makes contact when it is closed.
S WITCHING S YMBOL This is a symbol for a Single Pole Single Throw Switch or S P S T SPST
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS To wire a SPST switch in the circuits we will be making, we will use a Hot Bus Bar (HBB) The HBB is used to connect the (-) side of the battery to the pole of the switch. We use the HBB so that we can attach multiple switches to one (-) wire coming from our power supply.
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) Battery SPST Switch Light
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) 1) Connect (-) side of Battery to HBB 2) Connect Pole of switch to HBB 3) Connect Throw of switch to light 4) Connect other side of light to (+) battery
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) 1) Connect (-) side of Battery to HBB 2) Connect Pole of switch to HBB 3) Connect Throw of switch to light 4) Connect other side of light to (+) battery
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) What type of switch is this? What happens when the switch is thrown to position A? SPDT 1 2 A B Light 1 lights What happens when the switch is thrown to position B? Light 2 lights
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) 1) Connect (-) side of Battery to HBB 2) Connect Pole of switch to HBB 3) Connect Throw of switch to light 4) Connect other side of light to (+) battery
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) What type of switch is this?DPST What happens when the switch is thrown?Both lights light
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS Hot Bus Bar (HBB) 1) Connect (-) side of Battery to HBB 2) Connect Pole of switch to HBB 3) Connect Throw of switch to light 4) Connect other side of light to (+) battery
W IRING S WITCHING C IRCUITS What type of switch is this? What happens when the switch is thrown to position A? DPDT A B Lights 1 & 4 light What happens when the switch is thrown to position B?Lights 2 & 3 light Hot Bus Bar (HBB)