VISION EPPL 603 – LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION Laura Bitto, Laura Burton, Bert Heath & Kristi Wagner
5-3-1 VISION We want to paint a picture of how we define “vision” based on key ideas from the readings. Complete the following activity: 1.Individually generate a list of 5 words that describe, define, or represent the concept of “vision”. 2.Form pairs and narrow the list to 3 words. 3.Pairs will join to form groups of 4 and choose one word to represent “vision”. 4.Groups will share their word with the class and how/why that word was their ultimate choice.
LEADERSHIP THEORIES & VISION Trait Approach Intelligence Self-confidence Determination Integrity Sociability How does the trait theory apply to “vision”? Are there any traits that are more directly related to developing and implementing a “vision”? Which and why? Skills Approach Technical Human Conceptual Are there certain skills required to successfully develop and implement a “vision”? Style Approach Country Club Autocrat Caretaker Collaborative Leader How might a task-oriented vs. a relationship-oriented style differ in their “visions”? Who might be more successful in implementing their “vision”? Situational Approach Delegating Supporting Coaching Directing Which type of situational approach might be most useful when developing a “vision”? Implementing a “vision”? Revising a “vision”?
LEADERSHIP THEORIES & VISION (cont.) Contin gency Theory Leader-Member Relations Task Structure Position Power How can contingency theory help a leader assess workers’ roles in implementing the organization’s “vision”? Path-Goal Theory Directive Supportive Participative Achievement- Oriented How does path-goal theory play a role in developing & implementing a “vision”? Which leader behavior do you most relate with & how does that effect developing & implementing a “vision”? Leader-Member Exchange Theory Interactions between leaders & followers What groups (consider both “in-groups” & “out-groups) affect implementing a “vision” in your organization? Transformational Leadership Theory Transformational Transactional Laissez-faire How can changes in an organization affect the organization’s ability to implement a “vision”?
WES CASE STUDY ---- VISION 1.How would the current vision impact the new principal and/or the changing population and needs of WES? 2.Would you update the vision to match that of the new principal and create a newly shared vision for this population? 3.What would you need to consider in terms of re-working the vision statement to reflect the current student body? 4.How would you go about developing and implementing a shared vision for WES?
LEADERSHIP & SHARED VISION Kouzes & Posner – Leadership Practices Inventory Measures the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership 1. Challenging the Process 2. Inspiring a Shared Vision 3. Enabling Others to Act 4. Modeling the Way 5. Encouraging the Heart http// http//