Navigating the Basic Skills Tests… CHC Steps to Success
House Bill 1816 makes changes that impacts YOU! Students must pass all the Basic Skills Tests before being accepted into the education program. Effective August 1, 2015
To continue to take education courses, you must be formally accepted into the Division of Teacher Education and Leadership. Why is this important? To be accepted you MUST pass all three Basic Skills Tests.
Easy as 1 2 3
1. TEAMWORK Join a study cohort (3 to 5 students). 2. COACHING Each cohort will be assigned a CHC Education Coach. 3. SUPPORT Create a study plan using organized resources.
Not sure where to start?
Other Resources: CHC tutoring Online Basic Skills tests purchased by CHC (SJH labs reserved for Wednesdays 2 – 3:30) PAPA – All three tests, untimed, can see errors at end of each module. 4 different practice tests per module. (Info. on Success web site.) CORE- Each subject needs a separate code, timed, errors at end of module, must stay on entire time to see errors. Must keep working or test will time out. One code works for 10 tries, can be shared with cohort. (Contact K. Gibson for assistance.)
CHC Planning Chart and Log Let’s take a look…
Join a cohort – name your group. Submit the list. Get your assigned coach. Don’t forget to put your ticket in the bucket. Complete #1, 2, 3, on log before next meeting (February 16)