Israel-Palestine Dispute Post 1948 Israel-Palestine Dispute
4 Years in 25 Years War of 1948 The War of 1956 The War of 1967 The Yom Kippur War of 1973
War of 1948 May 14 1948: Israel claims independence May 15 1948- Syria, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt invade Israel Ends in December with Arabs defeated 1949- Israel given sovereignty over 12 800 km bordering Mediterranean Trans-Jordan kept land west of Jordan River (including East Jerusalem) Egypt took control of Gaza strip Palestine ceased to exist
The War of 1956 Israeli forces invade Egypt with support from Britain and France Reason- Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal UN intervened, emergency force placed in Suez Israel withdraws forces Made no territorial gains BUT destroyed Egyptian arms supremacyYouTube - Suez 1956 : Story of struggling against colonialism - p(1/2) Led to a Six Day War in 1967
Six Day War of 1967 Guerrilla forces of Palestine (Al-Fatah) carry out raids in Israel from Jordan and Syria Israel retaliates (attacked bases in Jordan) Syria used artillery fire on Israeli farmers Israelis respond- air attack on Syrian positions UN leaves Suez and Nasser denies Israel use of canal
Six Day War of 1967 continued Troops in Arab world (Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait) mobilized Planned attack for Israel Israel attacks first Israelis destroy Egyptian air force War ends in 6 days Israel controls Sinai desert and pushed Egypt past Suez Canal Israel captures ALL of Jerusalem, pushed Jordanians past Jordan River, took Golan Heights from Syrians- increased land mass by 400%
Yom Kippur War of 1973 Egypt and Syria attack on religious Jewish Holy Day Took Israelis by surprise Israelis regroup after several days, and defeat their attackers Soviets and US work for a cease fire and war ends in 17 days
More 1979- Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty 1982- Israelis give Sinai peninsula back to Egypt Israel gives up: 7000 Israeli homes The Alma oil fields Strategic defence locations
Maps Maps of Israel-Palestine
Hamas 1987 Palestinian-Islamic Paramilitary force Considered a “Terrorist Organization” by Western forces Controls Gaza Began suicide bombing in April 1993 Stopped suicide bombing in 2006
Oslo Accords August 1993 Recognized Palestinian Territory of West Bank and Gaza Strip Israeli Prime Minister: Rafin PLO representative: Arafat PLO: Palestinian Liberation Organization Created in 1964 “Sole legitimate representative of Palestinian people” by UN in 1993
Totally Random Slide Most of today’s conflict in the Middle East is the result of this conflict Still no Palestine Iran in search of Nuclear “Power” Terrorism / Pursuers of Freedom ONE of the reasons why US is disliked internationally (supports Israel) Suicide bombers, checkpoints Some Palestinians living in Israel
What’s going on today? Last year in December Death Toll Rises in Gaza - Video Library - The New York Times Fighting Continues in Gaza - Video Library - The New York Times In Israel, Gaza War Is Seen as Just - Video Library - The New York Times
Netanyahu Talks About Abbas Meeting - Video Library - The New York Times G20 Summit and Iran