Created By: Kevin Jiang, Cullen Wong, Stephen Halter
Use parallel processing to make a program that can play a game (Risk) and learn throughout the game which strategy works best and then implement that strategy (use AI) Make each processor control an individual player in the game and have each player to start off with different characteristics (personality)
Used C++ to create our main program Used MPI (Message Passing Interface) within C++ to communicate between processors Used GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) to create our countries and key for visualization Made a movie for the visualization using MATLAB
Risk is a very intellectually challenging board game. The point of the game is to take over all the territories in the world and wipe out all the other players Up to 6 people can play in a single game. Players take turns moving, attacking, or fortifying.
Players are randomly assigned territories and can add a certain amount armies to their territories at the beginning of the game Player get several more armies to add to their territories with each successive turn Players can only attack the other territories that border territories which they control. During an attack, the attacking and defending players roll dice. The outcome of the roll decides how many armies each side looses during an attack
Only 6 territories (One for each continent) instead of the normal 48 All processors start on same territory every time the program is run No Cards Army fortification is slightly different Dice rolling with minute armies are different Otherwise the Rules are all like the real Risk
Our program goes through several steps to complete one turn. The processor is allowed to attack as many times as it seems fit in one turn Each processor has a different personality which can be more or less aggressive The processor decides when to attack and where to attack through complicated algorithms
Each processor implements AI, meaning it can learn from its past successes and mistakes to improve its play later in the game Using a random number generator method we can simulate dice being rolled. This makes the program different each time it is run.
We constructed our C++ program to create a log (output) file that can be inputted directly into MATLAB MATLAB then displays the results of each move from the game frame by frame on a world map We then turn those frames into a movie The movie can be completed within just minutes after the original C++ program is started.
-Things always take longer than you expect....always -Writing the program is easy, while debugging, not so much -IDE's are amazing...V.I. is a thing of the past -If you ever feel tired, simply drink some Vault! -Tetris is a solution to all problems concering boredom -SAVE OFTEN!