1930’s Trivia
This famous board game for acquiring property was created, marketed and sold in 1930.
The construction of this dam in Nevada begins in 1930 and is completed by 1936
This famous NYC building is completed in 1931.
This famous gangster is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion in 1931.
This man won four gold medals at the 1936 summer Olympics.
This “peoples car” begins production in Germany in 1937
This famous pilot disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937
Disney’s first full feature cartoon is released in 1937.
This top grossing movie of all time adjusted for inflation, starring Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh opens in 1939.
This air ship explodes over New Jersey in 1937
This movie was technologically advanced for its time and had an “animal” as its star
This baseball team won four straight World Series in the 1930’s.
This Warner Bros. Character was created in the 1930’s to compete with Disney’s Mickey Mouse
This radio program convinced thousands that the U.S. was being attacked by aliens on October 30, 1938
III. Great Depression – Popular Culture and Leisure A. Provides an escape, allowing people to forget their troubles.
B. Automobiles – 1930’s 1. People would give up their homes over their cars. 2. Cars represented freedom. 3. Car show attendance grew. 4. Business opportunities (tourism) began to evolve by the mid 1930’s related to family vacations and the car. Detroit Auto Show
Automobiles 1930’s Ford Model A Chevrolet Coach Chevy Sedan Ford Roadster
Tourism and Roadside Attractions Largest ball of twine in the U.S. Darwin Minnesota! World’s largest talking cow in the U.S. chatty belle Roadside attractions
C. Radio’s Golden Age 1. The era of mass media is born! 2.Different types of programming evolves – soap operas to the Lone Ranger.
3. Two primary types “pop” and “folk” music. Folk Artist – Woody Guthrie. “Old Timey” Music Best known for the common man’s anthem “This land is your land” Also the song of the Hobo – Big rock candy Mountain
Radio’s Golden Age Other “popular” type music focused more on the escape from reality aspect of the 1930’s. Some, however, still reflected the “depressing” mood of the era.
Radio’s Golden Age The marriage of popular music and Presidential theme songs begins with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the song Happy days are here again! Other campaigns have used theme songs also!
D. Movies 1. Now in color! 2. Era of the big Hollywood production – Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz. 3. Only cost a dime and million attended movies in an average week.
Shirley Temple The most photographed child star. Received an Oscar in Made her film debut at the age of 3 (1931). 4. At the height of her popularity Shirley Temple was the biggest Box-Office attraction in Hollywood.
E. Literature 1. Authors chose to write about individual struggle and raise social awareness. 2. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck was one of the most famous and influential novels of the 1930’s. The focus was on an Okie family that had been driven from their land. The book was made into film in 1940.