Magnets Unit Portfolio Presentation Hannah Peebles
Unit Summary Experimenting with magnets! Students will be introduced to magnets using a smart board game to help them understand how magnets work. Students will be placed in groups to then perform a project of magnetic affect on radish plants. Students will record data and compete with other groups in their classroom to see who can figure out the best climate, position and atmosphere for the radishes growth. Students will use an online graphic organizers using to show their experiment as well as record their data on a whole class organizer. Through this web 2.0 tool students will be able to collaborate with their group members as well as the rest of their classmates about their plant progress. Students will have to discuss these conditions in a presentation to the class through a poster board showing the rest of the class their ideas. Each poster will show the climate, radish plant, magnet, and how they plan to improve radish growth.
Essential Question How can magnets affect the world around us? Unit Questions How do magnets affect radish plants? Why does climate affect plant growth? Content Questions Will magnets make radish plants grow more or less? What is the ideal climate for radish growth? Is it bad for plants to be grown near magnets? Do plants and magnets have anything in common?
How can this project help my students to develop 21 st century skills?... Students will be using graphic organizers to analyze and record data about their plant growth and magnetic affect. Students will be working with the smart board to gain an introduction with magnets. Students will be working collaboratively in groups with their peers to solve an experiment. Students will be producing a poster board to portray information. Students will be working together to solve a problem and answer a unit question. Students will be working with a web 2.0 tool to produce an online graphic organizer to share with their classmates and gain feedback on.
Purpose of Assessment: To understand what information students previously know about the topic, figure out what they are wondering about and also find out what they have learned at the end of the experiment. What I want to Learn from my Students: I want to know what my students already understand about the curriculum questions and what they can show me about plant life. How I will promote higher-order thinking? I will promote think-alouds and brain storming in groups to help students answer unit questions. How this assessment information can help my students in the future: This will help students to understand the purpose of brain storming and experiments. Students will have a basic understanding of working in groups and collaborating to find a solution. What feedback or ideas I would like: I would like to understand how to implement more activities into the project that can incorporate technology into the experiment.
To learn how to incorporate technology properly into my classroom experiments. To enhance students learning and ensure that my students are engaged in learning the material. To enhance the classroom atmosphere by engaging students in active learning.
To learn how to work collaboratively in groups with their peers. To understand how to collect and analyze data. To be engaged in brain storming and active learning. To further understand using web 2.0 tools in their class work to solve a problem.
Ideas for choosing groups for students to work in.for New technologies I could use to help students become more familiar with new tools.