HR400 PAYROLL Schema: Book Subschema: Chapters Double-click > Pages Transactions PE01: Schema PE02: Rules PE03: Features PE04: Functions & Operations SM31: Table Maintenance SPRO: Implementation Guide PC00_M99_DLGA20: W/T Utilisation Report PA03: Payroll Control Record Tables V_503_ALL: Employee Groups V_001P_ALL: Personnel Area V_T511: W/T Characteristics V_512W_D: W/T Processing, Evaluation, Cumulation V_512W_B: Valuation Basis V_T554C: Absence T510J: Constant Valuations T555Z: Time Type Determination T510S: Time Wage Type Selection
HR400 Notes Useful links : HR400 & GB Wagetype Configuration Human Resources > Payroll > Your Country > Tool >Customising Tools > Wagetype Utilsation Report (PC00_M99_DLGA20) SM31 > V_512W_D Spreadsheet (Wagetype Template) on my website:
Notes Primary/Infotype/Input (Configure T512W) e,g. IT008, IT0014, IT0015 (PA30) Secondary/Technical/ ‘slash’ (No configuration) E.g. /559
Pictures Use to find a photo (JPEG) (e.g. Kermit jpeg) and right-click and ‘save picture as’ Transaction Code: OAAD [Store & Assign] Business Object: Prel Document Type: HRICOLFOTO [Create] [Enter] Select picture
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PCR’s NOAB: * (same way for all types of employee) GEN: **** (same way for all wagetypes) PXX: (same way for all wage types but look at the value of processing class in Table V_512W_D)
Wage Type Dependent Constants MOD XMOD MODIF 2 = 5X PIT X015 Wage type has no amount! Check Table V_512W_B ‘K’ Go to table V_T510J T510J Find the wage type with the correct midifier 5X
Pay Grade (T510) Constants V_512W_B TG T PS Type Yes PS Area PS Group No PS Level
Valuation T510J T510 Hourly Rates
PCR X013 Wagetype Rate Number Amount /001 16.62 2600/156.48 /001 16.62 2600/156.48 Run your payroll and find X010 & X013 (Processing of time) Go to transaction PE02 > Display Rule X013 Use the help to find out what TSDIVP is? Answer is IT0008 Hours per period! Have a well deserved break and be back at Start Again at 10:40 am GMT
FIORI ESS: Enhancement Pack 7 but can be downloaded before this! Create Infotype 105 Subtype 0001 Put your username in HR400-0X and save. Click on orange icon and log onto ZME Click on ‘Overview’ and click on pop up [OK] Click on the [Picture] button to choose backgroung Click on engine cogs and choose ‘my info’ Select ‘salary statement’
Absences Exercises Schema (Time Processing) MOD (Modif A) RAB (It2001) PAB (Produce the vacation bonus W/T 400X) X015 (valus to vacation bonus) IT2001 Subtype 0100 (Vacation) IT2001 Subtype 0620 (Unpaid)
Coffee Time!!!!!!!! 10:30 10:50
Time Wagetype Selections Task 4 and 5 Dates used 4th, 10th & 14th May 2015
PCR XPP1 Wagetype Rate Number Amount /801 80-0 8000000/156 /801 80-0 8000000/156 First half of January
Retroactive Accounting Compare /550 in current payroll period to the original results Store the difference on /551 in the current period Compare the /551 in the current period with the previous period and store the difference in /553 All /553’s passed to /552 in the current period /552 is added to /550 in current period and passed to /560 (payment amount)
Averages V_512W_B Wagetypes with no amount are picked up by Rule X015: X015 -> V_512W_B: K -> V_T510J TS, TG, T -> T510 01 or 02 -> /001 or /002 Blank? Average (Sick Pay, Maternity, Holiday Pay)
Averages Holiday Pay is calculated as ‘normal pay’ plus the average overtime per day you have worked over the previous 3 months Total Amounts of W/T’s 3XX1 3XX8 over the last 3 month / The number of days worked over the previous 3 months Overtime per day If on Vacation for 10 days you should receive 10 x average Overtime per day in addition to your normal pay
Year To Figures (CRT) SM31 Wagetype 100X V_512W_D Wagetype 100X Double-click Processing Class 30 Set to 2 (as in your book) Run payroll force retro January Look at very bottom of schema Final Processing > ADDCU > CRT or use TCODE PC_PAYRESULT