94VG Insert size M 94PCRG## PCR gel template: Fill in the #s and Xs with the appropriate information AS 94MK 94PV 94KR 94SM 94VK
94RS Insert size 94PCRG## M PCR gel template: Fill in the #s and Xs with the appropriate information PS 94RB 94PP 94SP 94AK 94SN 13
1. Delete the gel picture in this slide. 2. Paste/import cropped gel here and resize to fit markers (note: some markers and lanes may need to be moved to fit the gel image). 3. Label lanes with the proper clone names and add student names (e.G. Change #XX to 20WS and the # to your clone number 1, 2, or 3). 4. Indicate the calculated size of the insert by pcr at the bottom of the gel (e.G. ### To 500 bp). Note: remember to subtract the vector length 200 bp. 5. Save file as a.Jpeg with the proper pcrg name i.E. 20pcrg Upload file to your school’s PCRG album on picasa. 7. Link the image of the file to your clones on the google docs clone report sheet