Personal Communication Plan By Laura Shea
Start with Heart Know thyself!! Who I am???? Know my style under stress Know what I REALLY want and then ask “What do I want for others? For the relationship?”
Who I am Strengths Supporter Harmonizer Relater Good Listener Empathizer Weaknesses Personalizer Worrier Avoider of conflict Withdrawer Masker Non-trusting of others motives (sometimes)
Who I am (Continued) My Values Integrity Honesty Relationships My Passions Students High Quality Education High Quality Teaching That ALL students make academic growth and are successful
What now? My goals…. 1 During the 2011/12 School Year, I will identify 2 marginal staff members and work with them on their performance issues. 2 With known situations, I will plan/prepare/script upcoming difficult or crucial conversations and do a personal reflection at the conclusion of the meeting or series of meetings/discussions and use that reflection to guide my behavior in the next meeting.
Effective Communication Strategies Commit to seek mutual purpose. If possible, always bring it back to the child. Step out/Step away. Breathe, reflect, maintain composure. Recognize “Silence or Violence” and then restore safety and return to dialogue. Remember the importance of a pool of shared meaning and make it safe so everyone will contribute to that pool.
Effective Communication Strategies (Continued) Don’t let the safety problems lead me astray. REMEMBER – when others start to feel unsafe they start to do NASTY things. Therefore: DO SOMETHING TO BRING BACK THE SAFE ENVIRONMENT! DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY!
Effective Communication Strategies (Continued) Maintain mutual respect Apologize when mutual respect or purpose is at risk. Contrast (do/don’t statement) Share Facts
Objectives/Action Steps Work closely with the Director of HR and Superintendent for support and mentorship as I “take on” the marginal staff members. Script or Plan Any Crucial Conversation that I know I am going into. Obtain and Use a Personal Reflection Journal. Be Cognizant (through use of journal) when I am avoiding, masking, or personalizing.
My Mission Statement Remember….. I became an administrator so that I could have greater influence over the power of good teaching to ensure that ALL students make progress and are successful. If I don’t have crucial conversations with teachers who are not demonstrating good teaching, I am ultimately letting the students down.