RTU Measure Preparation for Review as Standard Protocol Staff Request for Authorization of RFP Funding from the Regional Technical Forum 28 June 2011
Measure Summary Measure name: Measurement of Fan and Cooling Savings from Commercial-Sector Packaged Rooftop HVAC Units Measure type: Proposed for Standard Protocol Requesting Status: None at this time Change in measure status: n/a Change in measure savings: n/a Change in measure cost effectiveness: n/a Other or follow-on work for RTF: Approve Standard Protocol and calculator.
Measure History Previously approved: New Standard Protocol Measure developer(s): NBI, RTF What is the status of: – Protocol: Draft Subcommittee reviewed – Workbooks: To be completed – Summary sheet: To be completed – Calculator: To be refined – Protocol Documentation: Draft Subcommittee reviewed – Measure cost and life documentation: Draft – Data and evaluation sources: Draft Subcommittee reviewed
Subcommittee Summary Subcommittee meetings: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 (subcommittee) Recent work: Reviewed draft protocol and best practices, Phase 4 report draft Subcommittee members: Mark Cherniac, Charles Grist/NWPCC,Howdy Reichmuth, Kathy Hile, Joshua Rushton/Cadmus, Mira Vowles, Jack Callahan /BPA, Nick O’Neill/ETO, Will Miller/Lockheed-ETO, Bill Koran/QuEST, Mark Rehley/NEEA Jerine Ahmed/SCE, Tom Lenihan/Avista, Mike Kennedy/Consulting, David Davis/Idaho Power Biases or disclosed conflicts of interest: None disclosed. – NBI developed Phase 4 of the project that developed the calculator based on field measurement of a regional sample. – PECI conducting true power measurement work for BPA
Subcommittee Summary Subcommittee and/or staff Recommendations, concerns: – Reconvene subcommittee for review of work – Align Protocol with new Guidelines format – Define quality of best practice estimates – Define procedures for true power measurement – Test data sets against calculator (12 mo. BPA or other data, Cadmus) (PowerMand web enabled) – Actual site weather versus TMY weather data
Subcommittee Summary Subcommittee and/or staff Recommendation(s), concerns: – Finalize the calculator Annualization of data collection defined, calculated Fan versus compressor components Weekend/weekday Prove capability to call out of range or noisy data Full calculations and data entry documentation
Recommendations Subcommittee recommendations: Collect more existing field measurement data Develop calculator based on three data points Test calculator against field pre-post data Revise or refine via subcommittee feedback Finalize protocol and documentation Define best practice true power measurement Compare calculator to best practice and field data
RTF Proposed Motion: “I _________ move that the RTF Authorize staff to publish a Request for Proposals for $50,000 to complete the standard protocol and calculator with all documentation, input forms and data sources for Measurement of Fan and Cooling Savings from Commercial- Sector Packaged Rooftop HVAC Units.