JPSS Common Ground System IDPS NPP Algorithm Operability Verification – Launch Build Characterization Tentative Agenda IDPS OAA 5/10/11
JPSS Common Ground System Page 2 Planned Event Date – June 29-30, 2011 Introduction NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 Build) Status IDPS Launch Build Status (Algorithm Focus) Operational Algorithm Performance Overview Operational Algorithm Performance Details Summary Outline mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 3 Event Goals and Scope –Characterize IDPS Mx5 build content from an operational algorithm perspective –Summarize algorithm updates since NPP Sensor Characterization (end of IDPS development – SC14) –Define Event Expectations Provide full characterization of IDPS Mx5 build operational algorithms (VIIRS/CrIMSS/OMPS Chains) accounting for SDR/EDR/IP/ARP/AUX, GEO, GRAN ANC/GIP NPP products Provide full listing of all implemented algorithm updates since SC14 (A-ECRs, TMs, ATDRs, ADRs, PCRs) Provide listing of all scheduled algorithm updates (A-ECRs, TMs, ATDRs, ADRs, PCRs) w/ scheduled maintenance builds Provide list of all known algorithm-related unresolved issues and plan for closure Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining IPAC-related tests Provide plan/schedule summary for IPAC-related threshold remaining updates Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining Additional Nominal tests Provide plan/schedule summary for remaining Additional Non-Nominal tests Provide, per algorithm, summary of algorithm tested logical paths, known non- tested paths and any known risk that may surface during actual operations Provide plan/schedule summary for SVR progress Schedule Timeline –From now until launch and +90 days (or more) Introduction mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 4 Event held in Oct’10 (AKA Final Performance Evaluation – Part 1) to present the state of the IDPS Operational Algorithms at the end of the NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 build) Presentations focused on assessing the IDPS Operational Algorithm State WRT: –Individual Algorithm (Stand-Alone) Characterization State of received algorithm updates (A-ECRs, TMs) and pertaining Sci-2-Ops work State of individual algorithms ▫ Work accomplished ▫ Remaining work (upcoming A-ECRs, TMs) ▫ Areas of concern (PCRs) ▫ IPAC Testing State ▫ Plan ahead –Integrated Algorithm (Integrated-Chain) Characterization State of integrated chain ▫ IPAC Testing ▫ Additional Nominal Testing ▫ Additional Non-Nominal Testing ▫ Areas of concern (PCRs) »Watch-list Algorithms: VIIRS Clouds, VIIRS ACO/OCC, CrIMSS EDR/IPs, OMPS Chain ▫ Plan ahead –Algorithm-quality Related Requirements The “Bubble” and “SVR” concepts Requirement Verification Status Plan ahead Transition from Development to Sustainment Summarize by sensor the “big picture” of operational algorithm performance NPP Development (Sensor Characterization SC14 Build) Status mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 5 Mx5 Build Status Deployment Status Urgent Release Plan Timeline IDPS Launch Build Status (Algorithm Focus) mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 6 Definitions Highlights Progress Summary Since NPP Development Sensor Characterization SC14 Going Forward Plan Operational Algorithm Performance Overview mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 7 Definitions –IPAC Testing –Nominal Testing –Non-Nominal Testing –Stand-alone –Integrated Chain –SVR Operational Algorithm Performance Overview (Cont.) mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 8 Highlights –Algorithm priorities for launch & CAL/VAL SDRs KPPs “Canary” EDRs Remaining Products –VIIRS/CrIMSS/OMPS Algorithm Updates Drops Sensor Mounting Coefficient Updates Progress Summary Since NPP Development Sensor Characterization SC14 Going Forward Plan Operational Algorithm Performance Overview (Cont.) mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 9 Operational Algorithm Status Details –Status as of SC14 –Updates since SC14 Drops, ATDRs, ADRs PCR Fixes –Status in Mx5 Algorithm Performance Characterization ▫ Stand-alone/Integrated Chain ▫ TDC # Additional Nominal Non-Nominal SVR –Algorithm logical path testing summary Summary of algorithm tested logical paths, known non-tested paths and any known risk that may surface during actual operations, e.g., ▫ Additional tests for MD-level Summary QFs ▫ Additional tests for QFs not in Reference Results ▫ Usage of QFs as filters for downstream algorithms ▫ Chain testing of logic flowing through multiple QFs across parent-to-child algorithms ▫ Non-Nominal tests (QFs, etc.) VIIRS Chain CrIMSS Chain OMPS Chain Operational Algorithm Performance Details mm/dd/yyyy
JPSS Common Ground System Page 10 Highlights Plan Forward Summary mm/dd/yyyy