A Premier Gateway for International Trade Gina Barro Business Development
2 nd busiest U.S. port 2 nd busiest U.S. port Premier gateway for U.S. - Asia trade Premier gateway for U.S. - Asia trade Major Southern California economic engine Major Southern California economic engine 140 shipping lines 140 shipping lines Connections to 217 seaports Connections to 217 seaports Port of Long Beach
2 nd Busiest North American Container Port Millions of Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) or 20-foot-long containers Two TEU = One 40-foot-long container
Supporting the Economy 1 in 8 jobs in Long Beach; 30,000 people employed in goods movement-related work 316,000 jobs throughout Southern California 1.4 million jobs throughout the U.S. $16 billion in annual trade – related wages statewide
Capital Improvements Most of any U.S. port $4 billion in projects Projects create 3,000 – 5,000 construction jobs
Middle Harbor $1.3 billion $1.3 billion First half set to open in late 2015
Ship-to-Shore Cranes Six on site 8 more of the most advanced cranes on the way
Guided Vehicles 34 on site 4 more on the way
$1 billion Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Iconic Bridge $1.2 billion project Opening to traffic in 2018
On-Dock Rail $1 billion project
Sustainability Green Port Policy
2013 Emissions Inventory
Clean Trucks 13,000 registered Cut truck emissions by more than 90%
Energy Programs Meeting Future Demand Cleaner Options, Support Port Operations
Adaptation & Resilience Planning Assess, Develop Mitigation & Implement Climate Change
Congestion Relief West Coast Ports
Chassis Changes in supply chain, bigger ships Ocean carrier alliances Trucks, gate issues Yard capacity Labor Congestion Update
Mitigation Efforts: Pier S container depot Chassis management and availability Pier Pass 2.0 FMC discussion agreement Supply chain optimization initiatives Congestion Update
Bright future Committed to competitiveness