Location, Relocation and the Journey to Work by David Levinson University of California at Berkeley Department of Civil Engineering/ Institute of Transportation Studies Presented to Western Regional Science Association February 22-26, 1995, San Diego, California
Introduction Subject: The influence of land use patterns on commuting The influence of job-housing tenure on commuting Facts: While congestion is rising, commuting distance is increasing, commuting durations are holding steady Approaches: Minimum Required Commute (Wasteful Commuting) Jobs-Housing Balance Gravity Model/Accessibility Regression Model
Policy Issue: Should land use be regulated to change behavior? Justifications: Congestion Air Pollution Energy Use Quality of Life Equity/Spatial Mismatch
Counter-Argument: Individual Rights Transportation (Land Use) Already Subsidized Government Intervention Counter-Productive Congestion Acceptable (Min. Req. Commute) Energy Use a Market Issue There is no “Spatial Mismatch”
Accessibility A continuous variable which is measured by counting the number of activities (e.g. jobs) available at a given distance from an origin (e.g. the home), and discounting that number by the intervening travel time.
Accessibility to Jobs and Houses AJi = accessibility to jobs from zone i J AJi = ∑ (JOBj*f(c ij )) j=1 AHi = accessibility to houses from zone i J AHi = ∑ (HOUSEj * f(c ij )) j=1 JOBj = number of jobs in zone j HOUSEi = number of houses in zone j
Impedence Function (f(c ij )) for auto trips f(c ij ) = exp ( c ija )c ija = peak hour auto travel time between zones i and j for transit trips f(c itj ) = exp ( c ijt ) c ijt = peak hour transit travel time between zones i and j
Hypotheses Location: It is hypothesized that living in an area with relatively high jobs accessibility is associated with shorter trips, as is working in an area of relatively high housing accessibility. (the doubly-constrained gravity model) Relocation: 1. commuting is a diseconomy, so the opportunity to relocate can be used to save time. 2. the areas of highest growth (and the most recent relocations) for both jobs and housing are in the outer suburbs, areas of below average jobs accessibility compared to housing.
Data Location: MWCOG Household Travel Survey ( ) –8,000 households and 55,000 trips Accessibility Measures Relocation: MCPD Travel Panel Survey, Bethesda CBD Workplace Survey, Census Update Survey
Jobs and Housing Accessibility and Commuting Duration In the gravity model implicitly being tested here, average commute to work time is determined by three factors: 1) a propensity function which relates willingness to travel with travel cost or time, (individual demand) 2) the opportunities available at any given distance or time from the origin, (market “supply”) and 3) the number of competing workers. (market demand) Propensity = f ( t ij, Income, Mode, Gender... ) It is hypothesized that this underlying preference is relatively undifferentiated based solely on location.
Geographic Factors 1) distance between the home and the center of the region (Di0) (the zero mile marker at the ellipse in front of the White House), 2) distance between workplace and the center (Dj0), 3) accessibility to jobs from the home (AiE), 4) accessibility to other houses from the home (AiR), 5) accessibility to other jobs from the workplace (AjE), 6) and accessibility to houses from workplace (AjR).
Chart 1: Summary Hypotheses Trip-End Home-EndWork-End (Origin)(Destination) AccessibilityAiEAjE to Jobsnegativepositive AccessibilityAiRAjR to Housespositivenegative DistanceDi0Dj0 from Centerpositivenegative
Elasticities of Travel Time with respect to Accessibility AUTO COMMUTERS TRANSIT COMMUTERS VARIABLEELASTICITYVARIABLEELASTICITY AiEa-0.22AiEt-0.12 AiRa0.19AiRt0.05 AjEa0.24AjEt-0.25 AjRa-0.25AjRt0.07 Di00.25Di00.31 Dj0-0.16Dj0-0.09
Relocation and the Journey to Work 1) Interaction of Changing Jobs and Moving Homes - Tenure Should be Correlated 2) Factors Influencing Length of Residence - Demographics (Age), Housing Type 3) Relocation and Commuting - Offsetting Factors - change to reduce commute duration renters & part-timers vs. career but old-timers have better sites already
Accessibility and Housing Value Urban Economics suggests trade-off time & money - finding supported for auto accessibility - not for transit accessibility
Conclusions Relocation - People strive to maintain same commute duration on average. It is suburbanization of jobs (not housing) which leads to constant or declining commuting durations. Location matters, important explanatory variable, but Density and J/H Balance (Accessibility) weak policy variables to influence commuting.... Ignores self-selection process - creating more high density housing won’t create more young or old who wish to live in high density urban areas.