Elk Horn Kimballton Professional Development Authentic Intellectual Work
Syllabi Credit – Deadline Credit Class Drake Credit - $155 Credit Renewal - $60
Authentic Instruction and Assessment, Newmann, King and Carmichael In the blue book please read the following pages; vii – 13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the criteria and rationale for authentic intellectual work as a goal of high school teaching across subject areas? What clarification questions do you have, if any?
Research DVD What findings from the research on the effects of authentic instruction on student achievement did you find to be most important? Why?
Prior to the Aug 17th PD, please read the part II of the blue book. om/viewform?hl=en&formke y=dC1zSlJfQlVpU0JoR1BP anVNbGhRM3c6MAhttp://spreadsheets.google.c om/viewform?hl=en&formke y=dC1zSlJfQlVpU0JoR1BP anVNbGhRM3c6MA
Authentic Intellectual Work Authentic intellectual work is defined by three criteria – construction of knowledge, through disciplined inquiry, to produce discourse, products and performance that have value beyond school.
AIW Framework Standards Maximize expectations of intellectual rigor for all students. Increase student interest in academic work. Support teachers’ taking time to teach for in-depth understanding rather than superficial coverage of material. Provide a common conception of student intellectual work that promotes professional community among teachers of different grade levels and subjects. Most important, equip students to address the complex intellectual challenges of work, civic participation, and managing personal affairs in the contemporary world. (Find on vii in blue book)
Cohort 1 AIW Team Lisa Tony Heather Cindy W. Steve Dave - principal Andrea - liaison Tina - coach
Collaborating is defined as…. “A group of people working interdependently towards a common goal for which we are mutually accountable!” Rick DuFour
How Does Authentic Pedagogy Boost Student Achievement? Engagement Effort Learning Reasoning and Depth
Authentic Intellectual Work Criteria & Standards InstructionAssignment/TaskStudent Work Construction of Knowledge Disciplined Inquiry Elaborated Communication Value Beyond School Value Beyond School
Authentic Intellectual Work Criteria & Standards InstructionAssignment/TaskStudent Work Construction of Knowledge Construction of Knowledge Disciplined Inquiry Elaborated Communication Conceptual Understanding Elaborated Communication Value Beyond School X
Authentic Intellectual Work Criteria & Standards InstructionAssignment/TaskStudent Work Construction of Knowledge Higher Order Thinking Construction of Knowledge Construction of Knowledge Disciplined Inquiry Deep Knowledge and Student Understanding Substantive Conversation Elaborated Communication Conceptual Understanding Elaborated Communication Value Beyond School Connections to the World Beyond the Classroom Value Beyond School X
Scoring Tasks Scoring Tasks Rules of Thumb »Economics Bingo
Iowa Core Curriculum
Scoring Tasks Scoring Tasks Rules of Thumb »The Great Gatsby
Iowa Core Curriculum
Scoring Student Work Scoring Student Work Rules of Thumb Political Cartoon
Justification for this work Meets intellectual demands of contemporary work, citizenship and personal affairs. Minimizes problems of traditional curriculum and pedagogy: fragmentation of meaning, intellectual powerlessness. Common set of intellectual demands stimulates professional community among teachers.
Ultimately, 100% of our kids are successful in school, out of school, and beyond school.