1.Identify regional strategic areas for infill and investment 2.Develop “complete communities” 3.Develop nodes on a corridor 4.Plan for a changing demand in types of housing 5.Plan for additional housing and jobs near transit 6.Continue to protect stable existing single family areas 7.Ensure adequate access to open space and preservation of habitat 3. Coordinated Land Use Planning
Visioning Process Business as Usual
Visioning Process Coordinated Land Use
Jobs – Housing Balance Higher Density Mixed-Use Pedestrian Friendly Transit Orientation More Transit & Walk Trips Fewer & Shorter Auto Trips Less VMT & Congestion Improved Air Quality Reduced GHG Emissions Compass Blueprint Concepts Transportation Benefits Coordinating land use decisions with transportation investments
Compass Blueprint Implementation: Demonstration Projects Technical assistance to local governments for planning consistent with the Compass principles Planning Services & Tools Public Involvement Redevelopment Strategy ROI Analysis Economic Development Strategies Urban Design Solutions Transit Studies Demonstrate the local benefits of planning consistent with regional goals Create models to replicate throughout the region More than 50 Demonstration Projects completed to date Code Amendments Photo and Video Visualizations 4-D Modeling Parking Analysis Financing Strategies Scenario Planning
Visualization: Expo Light Rail Line La Brea Station Redevelopment Opportunities
Economic Stimulus Package $39 Billion for Transportation
Economic Stimulus Package $39 Billion for highway and Public Transportation projects Nationally $2.8 Billion for California SCAG’s share is approximately half of the state Approximately 250 existing/new transportation projects in the SCAG region will benefit