Where Do Good and Evil Come From? HZB3M – Mr. Raso Philosophy – The Big Questions
Where Do Morals Come From? Morality refers to what is right and what is wrong Where do your morals come from? Is a moral code an essential part of every human being?
Do Right and Wrong Come from God? Some philosophers link moral principles to God To be morally good is to obey God’s will God as the one who gave people a moral standard to live by
Colonialism and Racism in Canada After the arrival of the Europeans, First Nations peoples were subjugated to rules and regulations created by the Europeans They colonized on the belief that they were “Christianizing” the “savage” Natives Forced Aboriginal Canadians into Residential Schools Forced them to only speak English, dress like a “European”, and pray to the European God – eliminating First Nations’ traditions and practices
“White Man’s Burden” - Kipling Rudyard Kipling wrote the “White Man’s Burden” a poem 1899 For the white man to colonize and rule other nations for their sake The policy as a noble enterprise Eurocentric Racism and ideas to dominate the developing world
Are Right and Wrong Separate from God? Plato – wrote a dialogue, The Euthyphro, to address the issue of morality an the Gods Explores ideas through conversations between people Socrates asks Euthyphro whether the Gods live what is good because it actually is good, or whether things are called good simply because the Gods love them? Morality if either something that exist independently of the Gods and discovered by them, or it is created by the Gods Both cannot be true at the same time
St. Thomas Aquinas – didn’t believe in Greek Gods, but did believe in God Faced with a similar dilemma Believed that God endorsed a moral standard that God discovered God instilled this moral standard in human beings when God created them
William of Ockham (1285 – 1349) God invented standards of what is good and what is evil People should obey them People chose to obey or not to obey of their own free will Known as the Divine Command Theory
If God is the creator of morality, and then decided to change the rules at whim, God would allow murder or theft on some days, but not on others If morality does exist somewhere outside of God, then there must be rules that God must obey If God had to obey rules, God’s power would be lessened
If God Exists, Why is there Evil? “A line which I often thought was a very plausible one, that as a matter of fact this world that we know was made by the devil at a moment when God wasn’t looking. There is a good deal to be said for that, and I am not concerned to refute it.” – Bertrand Russell
Human beings have the free will to make choices If God is all-powerful and all-good, and if God witnesses evil, does God have an obligation to stop evil? Human beings have the free will to make choices God does not intervene with personal decision making, however, people must live with the consequences of their choices and actions Morality can only apply to rational beings that make choices Bertrand Russell said that a God cannot allow someone to suffer, it is either that God permits evil, or God does not exist! Imgine if a good person witnesses suffering of another. It is in that person’s power to end the other person’s suffering without bringing and harm to himself or herself. You may think that a good person would stop the other person’s suffering. It is evil to allow this suffering to continue, is it not? Then why does God allow evil to exist?
Does Being Good Just Come Naturally? There are various ideas for the origins of morality The capability of human reason is a special thing Instrumental in constructing human moral codes and behaviours Moral Rationalism – term that describes moral theories emphasizing the use of human reason to discover moral truths – two such theories are: 1) natural law theory and 2) best reasons approach
Does Morality Come from Reason? Natural Law Theory – the standards that govern human behaviours are derived from the very nature of human beings Human thinking processes produce moral beliefs and judgments Since you know what pain feels like, you know not to inflict it on others (reason tells you this) Human reason produces the same results among all people A similarity of moral codes within various religions, cultures, and individuals This means that great moral truths that people perceive, such as not killing another human being, are objective truths (factual) as opposed to subjective truths (personal opinion)
Does Logic Produce Perfect Morality? Best Reasons Approach – maintains that human reason can lead people to moral behaviours Moral actions are the consequences of people thinking about questions People act accordingly with what is the most rational thing to do (best reasons) Since human reasoning isn’t perfect, moral errors occur A person may steal because they see the short term benefit from such an action. Another person may reason that stealing is wrong. The problem is they both believed they followed their best reasons. Can they both be correct?
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) The moral worth of people depends entirely on their doing their moral duty You do not need to know someone’s motives to know whether they are doing their duty – all you need to know is whether they are acting in accord with the moral rule he called the categorical imperative “act as though the maximum of your action were by your will to become universal law of nature – allows for no exceptions”
Universal Morality or Relative Morality? Protagoras (490-420BCE) from Greece believed that morality is relative A custom that can change over time or from place to place James Rachels believes that morality is universal, there is a core set of values that are common to all societies, and they are necessary for any society to exist 3 Main Universal Moral Values: Care for your children Tell the truth Do not murder
A Global Ethic