Section IV: The Rise of Dictatorships (Pages ) This section is about: This section is about: How Italy turned to a Fascist leader in the 1920’s. How Italy turned to a Fascist leader in the 1920’s. How Adolph Hitler rose to power in Germany in the 1930’s. How Adolph Hitler rose to power in Germany in the 1930’s.
The two men responsible for WWII in Europe are in the “Main Ideas” on page 654. The two men responsible for WWII in Europe are in the “Main Ideas” on page 654. Does the map on page 655 look like the map just before WWI? Does the map on page 655 look like the map just before WWI? It wasn’t meant this way, but if you look at the vocab. words on page 654, which one doesn’t really fit with the others? It wasn’t meant this way, but if you look at the vocab. words on page 654, which one doesn’t really fit with the others?
A New Government in Italy (Italy after the War) After WWI, Italy and Germany had lots of problems. After WWI, Italy and Germany had lots of problems. The turned to leaders who promised them a return to their former “glory” The turned to leaders who promised them a return to their former “glory” Post-WWI Italy: unemployed people, closed factories, and high food prices. Post-WWI Italy: unemployed people, closed factories, and high food prices. The Italian Socialist Party (later Communist Party) convinced workers to go on strike to get higher wages. The Italian Socialist Party (later Communist Party) convinced workers to go on strike to get higher wages. That strike became violent (Karl Marx would have been happy). That strike became violent (Karl Marx would have been happy).
The Rise of Mussolini In 1919, Benito Mussolini organized the National Fascist Party. In 1919, Benito Mussolini organized the National Fascist Party. Fascists emphasize nationalism and are led by dictators. Fascists emphasize nationalism and are led by dictators. Under fascism, the country is always more important than the individuals needs. Under fascism, the country is always more important than the individuals needs. Mussolini wanted to keep communism out of Italy, but he didn’t like democracy. Mussolini wanted to keep communism out of Italy, but he didn’t like democracy. His fascist “black shirt gang” would attack Socialists. His fascist “black shirt gang” would attack Socialists. By 1922, the King was so afraid of what Mussolini might do, he agreed to make him Prime Minister and let him form his own government By 1922, the King was so afraid of what Mussolini might do, he agreed to make him Prime Minister and let him form his own government
Italy Under Mussolini Mussolini took even more power in 1925, when he outlawed all political parties (except Fascists). Mussolini took even more power in 1925, when he outlawed all political parties (except Fascists). Police arrested or killed opponents of Mussolini. Police arrested or killed opponents of Mussolini. Labor unions and strikes were forbidden. Labor unions and strikes were forbidden. Newspapers, books, and radio broadcasts were controlled by the Fascists. Newspapers, books, and radio broadcasts were controlled by the Fascists. Mussolini turned Italy into a totalitarian state – a place where the government controlled every part of the people’s lives. Mussolini turned Italy into a totalitarian state – a place where the government controlled every part of the people’s lives. ………………. ……………….
Many people were happy with Mussolini and fascism The economy was doing well. The economy was doing well. Production increased. Production increased. People had jobs building roads and in public works programs. People had jobs building roads and in public works programs. He ended riots and fighting in the streets. He ended riots and fighting in the streets. Men were encouraged to sacrifice themselves for Italy. Men were encouraged to sacrifice themselves for Italy. Women were encouraged to stay home and have lots of children. Women were encouraged to stay home and have lots of children. Children were taught strict military discipline. Children were taught strict military discipline.But… People received little in benefits from all this. People received little in benefits from all this. Unions and strikes were abolished Unions and strikes were abolished Wages stayed low. Wages stayed low.
Nazi Germany / The Weimar Republic In 1919, Germany had just lost WWI. In 1919, Germany had just lost WWI. Soldiers were returning home, bitter and unhappy. Soldiers were returning home, bitter and unhappy. They had trouble finding jobs. They had trouble finding jobs. At this time, the main hopes of the German people were focused on the city of Weimar. At this time, the main hopes of the German people were focused on the city of Weimar. This is where the Germans met to set up a new democratic government (a “republic”), with an elected president and everything else. This is where the Germans met to set up a new democratic government (a “republic”), with an elected president and everything else. …………………. ………………….
The Weimer Republic had problems getting started. The Weimer Republic had problems getting started. The country had serious money problems. The country had serious money problems. Germany fell behind on it’s war repayments to France, so France took over the Ruhr Valley Region of Germany (and the Germans who lived there refused to work for the French). Germany fell behind on it’s war repayments to France, so France took over the Ruhr Valley Region of Germany (and the Germans who lived there refused to work for the French). So the Germans printed more paper money (THAT DOESN’T WORK). So the Germans printed more paper money (THAT DOESN’T WORK). Inflation got real bad and wages could not keep up with rising prices. Inflation got real bad and wages could not keep up with rising prices. The United States tried to help – the loaned Germany some money. The United States tried to help – the loaned Germany some money. But the Great Depression came along and that stopped. But the Great Depression came along and that stopped. Germany needed a new plan, and a new leader. Germany needed a new plan, and a new leader.
Hitler Takes Control Adolph Hitler was born in Austria – in a little town right next to Germany. Adolph Hitler was born in Austria – in a little town right next to Germany. He fought in WWI. He fought in WWI. After the war, he joined the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party - have you heard of them? After the war, he joined the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party - have you heard of them? Hitler hated democracy (like Mussolini and Lenin). Hitler hated democracy (like Mussolini and Lenin). He didn’t like communists, but liked some of their methods. He didn’t like communists, but liked some of their methods. He organized his own “brown shirts” to go after the communists. He organized his own “brown shirts” to go after the communists. In 1923, Hitler even tried to overthrow the German government (he was caught and put in jail). In 1923, Hitler even tried to overthrow the German government (he was caught and put in jail). ………………………… …………………………
While he was in jail, he wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle), expressing his Nazi beliefs and goals. While he was in jail, he wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle), expressing his Nazi beliefs and goals. These included ideas Of nationalism and racism. Of nationalism and racism. That Germans are the “master race” That Germans are the “master race” They were destined to rule over all others. They were destined to rule over all others. Germany must conquer “inferior” races (like the Slavs). Germany must conquer “inferior” races (like the Slavs). Jews were the enemy of all Germans Jews were the enemy of all Germans ……………….. ………………..
After prison. Hitler gained a following. After prison. Hitler gained a following. He made fiery speeches. He made fiery speeches. He published his book. He published his book. When the Great Depression came, and unemployment rose, he gained even more followers. When the Great Depression came, and unemployment rose, he gained even more followers. In the 1932 election. The Nazi Party received the most votes – electing President von Hindenberg. In the 1932 election. The Nazi Party received the most votes – electing President von Hindenberg. Von Hindenberg appointed Hitler chancellor (prime minister). Von Hindenberg appointed Hitler chancellor (prime minister). It only took 2 months for Hitler to convince the German Legislature to give up their authority and make Hitler the absolute dictator of Germany. It only took 2 months for Hitler to convince the German Legislature to give up their authority and make Hitler the absolute dictator of Germany. Germany became a one party state, the Nazi flag was substituted for the German flag, and Hitler became “der Fuhrer.” Germany became a one party state, the Nazi flag was substituted for the German flag, and Hitler became “der Fuhrer.”
The Third Reich The Third Reich In 1933, Hitler announced the formation of “the Third Reich” (the third empire). In 1933, Hitler announced the formation of “the Third Reich” (the third empire). Germanys’ economy improved. Germanys’ economy improved. New public works. New public works. New military spending. New military spending. Business and labor brought under government control. Business and labor brought under government control.But… He also built up a secret police He also built up a secret police He began attacking Jewish people (and some of them even left Germany – or were later sent to concentration camps). He began attacking Jewish people (and some of them even left Germany – or were later sent to concentration camps). On November 9 th, 1938, the Nazis’ launched a massive attack on Jews. On November 9 th, 1938, the Nazis’ launched a massive attack on Jews. That night became known as Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass). That night became known as Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass). Shops were raided and destroyed and synagogues were burned. Shops were raided and destroyed and synagogues were burned. And, we all know what happened later. And, we all know what happened later.
Fascism, Communism, and Totalitarianism (Communists and Fascists claim to be enemies, but they’re very similar) Both have a small group in control, claiming to represent the interests of the majority. Both have a small group in control, claiming to represent the interests of the majority. Both came in power during hard times. Both came in power during hard times. Both established totalitarian states. Both established totalitarian states. Mussolini did some things in Italy that Stalin and Hitler both liked. Mussolini did some things in Italy that Stalin and Hitler both liked. All of the above had single party dictatorships. All of the above had single party dictatorships. All had state controlled economies. All had state controlled economies. All used propaganda and secret police to control the people and crush opposition. All used propaganda and secret police to control the people and crush opposition. All used schools to instruct children. All used schools to instruct children. All required the people to be completely loyal to one leader All required the people to be completely loyal to one leader