Dad Got A Job… Imaginary games Dad’s belief that if a man plays the cards he is dealt he is a piss-poor bluffer Mom did not like cooking much Continued reading
Mom And Dad… Math hw incident Not many rules (street light rule) * Geodes *
None Of Us Kids… Cans to make money = self-reliance Green Lantern
Our House In Battle Mountain… Buster the buzzard Mom = self-sufficiency “Sink or swim”
“Bad News,” Lori Said… Dad begins to disappear after losing his job Kids decide to eat less Mom and dad fight
The Next Morning… Mom’s teaching job = putting dreams on back burner Mom punishing Lori and Lori understanding
Once Mom Started Teaching… Mom could not say no to Dad Jeannette promises to never lose faith in her father and hands over the sock Brian answers “yes”
Some People Liked… Battle Mountain = first real home Billy Deel Implication that Jeannette’s dad had a bad upbringing
Grandma Smith’s Big… Jeannette’s grandmother is dead The family is off on another adventure
When We Pulled Up… Phoenix, AZ “We were definitely moving up in the world.” Gifted students Lori’s glasses and becoming an artist “Theory don’t always carry the day.” Holes in the house
A Lot Of Our Neighbors… Gypsies and perverts “It was essential that we refuse to surrender to fear” “He knows your father is a cross we must bear.”
City Life Was Getting… “Too dependent on creature comforts…” A visit to the zoo
It Was Around… Dad lost his job Chocolates from the dumpster Shoplifting for Maureen’s preschool clothes Dad sets Christmas on fire!
I Turned Ten That… “Do you think you could maybe stop drinking?” “It’s his present to me.” The Grand Canyon “Those poor kids must be dying of thirst, poor things.”
Three Days Later… Mom made living in West Virginia sound like a great adventure, and pretty soon all us kids had signed on for the trip “Dad, please come, we need you!” WELCH
Back in Battle Mountain… “Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy…You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a little more.” Erma
The Next Day Was… Jeannette’s dad is an atheist Welch was shabby and worn out, but you could tell it had once been a place on its way up.
The Next Day Mom… How was Jeannette welcomed at school? Why was she welcomed in this way? Stabbed in the back and laughed at by students and teacher They believed Jeannette thought she was better than them
When We All Got… How did Jeannette deal with the bullying? Why did Dinitia Hewitt finally stop bullying? According to Jeannette’s mom, why should you never hate people? Took it and planned revenge at night Jeannette helped her neighbor Everyone has one redeeming quality
In Late Winter… What do we learn from the confrontation between the Walls kids and Erma? What does this teach us about Rex’s upbringing? Erma is inappropriate and the kids stick up for one another Rex’s problems probably began at home
Mom And Dad Told… Where is the Walls’ new home? What reason does Rex give his children for buying this house? What does Jeannette put on her shelf? 93 Little Hobart Street The Glass Castle Her geode
Seeing As How Welch… The Glass Castle foundation Mom named the dead rat Rufus “Weird-looking half-finished patch job” (158)
Little Hobart Street “[Mom and dad] always refused charity.” Ginnie Sue
We Fought A Lot… Fought against others (together) and fought together, to fend off enemies and to fit in Ernie and his gang meet Jeannette and Brian
As The Weather… Jeannette –finds it harder to have faith in her father –Stitches the cut in his arm –She still saw the good in him though (like mom)
Dad Had Taken To… Rex is away a lot The kids become excellent foragers, relying on themselves for food Mother caught eating a chocolate bar beneath the covers
Winter Came Hard… “We may not have insulation…but we have each other.” Fire kept them warm and fire blew up in Lori’s face
Erma Died During… Suicide? She wrote her own funeral plans “For the daughter of the town drunk, you sure got big plans.” House started to deteriorate = mom bought a new bucket
One Day While… Self esteem is more vital than food Jeannette tells her mom she should leave Rex –Jeannette is realistic
Mom Never Told… The pool was the only escape from the heat of Welch Jeannette went with Dinitia to the pool I’d never felt cleaner.
That Afternoon I Was… Child-welfare man makes a visit –He represents the person who could separate Jeannette from her siblings
Qualified Teachers… Mom was a teacher again Money began to disappear again Lori and Jeannette began a budget
I’d Started Seventh… “I decided to make my own braces.” “And I think they’re by God working.”
That Year I Started… Miss Jeanette Bivens –Teacher –First person to show faith in father –Key to Jeannette’s escape
At Times I Felt Like… Maureen –Did not experience California –Developed a powerful religious streak Jeannette is head of the house hold –Soft spot for dad –Scar saved Jeannette
The Next Evening… Jeannette’s jewelry job –Steals watch because she felt it is what she deserved (like mom) –Returns it after a week (like herself)
In Late August… Lori was a “normal person” Mom will start doing stuff for herself Dad whips Jeannette –Jeannette will rely on herself to get out
That Fall, Two Guys… New York City = the Emerald City Oz and savings “Once you resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all.”
As Spring Approached… Mom supportive of Lori; father seems to be holding her back Lori is able to leave (thanks to Jeannette) and never looks back
That Fall, When I… Jeannette = news editor Making other people famous made her popular Chuck Yeager
Lori Had Been Writing… Miss Katona and everything else in Welch held her back Jeannette is determined to leave despite her dad’s glass castle idea
It Had Been A… Jeannette gave Maureen her geode Rex would always be there for Jeannette; she knew but would never go back
New York City Jeannette thrives in New York working for newspaper Mom and dad moved to the city three years later (Being homeless is an adventure.)
New York City Dad’s scare with tuberculosis Dad cleans up his act but his interdependency with Maureen brings him back to the drinking and homelessness Rex pays for Jeannette’s final semester in college
New York City Mom and dad settled in a squat house Jeannette finds Eric (Is this the man for her?)
New York City Mom owns land that is worth a million dollars “I am deeply disappointed in you.”
New York City Lori = freelance artist Brian = police officer Maureen = looking for someone to take care of her; she stabs mom; moves to CA
New York City Rex is dying Contracted a disease from a fight Rex dies of a heart attack Jeannette leaves Eric
Thanksgiving John said “smooth” was boring but “textured” was interesting Mom and Jeannette laugh alike “the candle flames suddenly shifted, dancing along the border between turbulence and order”