New Routes to Careers in the NHS
NHS Largest employer in GB Largest employer in Europe Over 1 million people work for the NHS
Local Employers 5 PCTs North, Eastern, Heart, South, Solihull bordering several others Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull Trust (teaching) University Hospital Birmingham Trust Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Trust City and Sandwell Hospital Trust West Midlands Ambulance Trust
Time to change New ways to learn New ways to learn New routes to professional qualification New routes to professional qualification New roles New roles New services New services
Recruitment Interview Post as assistant NVQ 2 Senior Care Worker University placement Professional degree NVQ 3 secondment
Entry into care sector Care work Clerical work Cadet scheme
Nurse Care Worker SaLT Physiotherapist Radiographer Medical Scientist Occupational Therapist Podiatrist
Nurse Care Worker SaLT Radiographer Medical Scientist Podiatrist Dietician Manager Pharmacist Psychologist Occupational Therapist CEO Service Director Physiotherapist
Flexible employers. Offering support and progression. A career pathway for life.
Unlock your potential We have the Key: Actively encourage the local population to join us. Support progression through education