Attachment and Parenting Our need to be social and how our social environment shapes who we are
Stranger Anxiety
Critical Period for Attachment Many animals form significant attachment in the couple weeks after birth. Imprinting - building a “permanent” social attachment right after birth. Many animals form significant attachment in the couple weeks after birth. Imprinting - building a “permanent” social attachment right after birth.
Harry Harlow and Monkeys
2 surrogate mothers - wire with bottle of food vs. no food but covered with cloth Monkeys clung to cloth mother when anxious. 2 surrogate mothers - wire with bottle of food vs. no food but covered with cloth Monkeys clung to cloth mother when anxious.
Apply this to people? Similarly in a human child a lot of communication occurs through touch. Babies tend to calm when they are patted and rocked back and forth.
Secure vs. Insecure Attachment Temperament vs. Parenting Sensitive parents tend to have more secure kids. Some babies are just innately irritable. Temperament vs. Parenting Sensitive parents tend to have more secure kids. Some babies are just innately irritable.
Do parenting styles impact a child’s behavior?
4 Styles of Parenting Indifferent - not around. Permissive - submit to child’s wishes Authoritarian - strict Authoritative - demanding but also responsive Which one is best?
Punishment vs. Redirection - remember Operant Conditioning Theory?
Who’s a better parent, Homer or Marge?