Forms of Business Ownership What type of business should I open???
Sole Proprietorship A business is a business owned and operated by one person Approximately 74% of all businesses in Canada are sole proprietorships They are responsible for only 10% of sales volume Owners have unlimited liability
Partnership A business owned by 2 or more people Partnerships represent only 9% of all business forms in Canada Have an experienced lawyer assist with a partnership agreement Examples: lawyers, dentists, real estate agents, J&J plumbing
Corporation Owned by a group of people called shareholders Each shareholder owns a piece of the company and is entitled to share in the profits Walmart is the world’s biggest corporation! Many corporations have MILLIONS of shares traded each day
Private Corporations Up to 50 shareholders Shares are NOT available to the public Examples: IKEA, Mars, Chrysler, Telus, Home Depot, Facebook, McCain
Public Corporations ► Shares are available to the public ► Traded on the stock exchange ► Must disclose all financial information ► One vote per share ► Examples: Mcdonald’s, Microsoft, Walmart, Apple
Crown Corporation Owned and controlled by the Federal or Provincial government Examples: CBC, VIA Rail, Canada Post, Hydro One, LCBO, Ontario Place
Cooperative ► A type of business owned, operated and controlled by a group of people for their mutual benefit ► Pool resources to provide themselves and customers with goods, services and other benefits ► Patronage based on how much is bought and/or sold
Cooperatives Continued… Producer Cooperative vs. Consumer Cooperative ► E.g. Own 2% of cooperative, $ sales, patronage = $200 ► Purchase 2% of products, $ sales, patronage = $200 ► Examples: Gay Lea Foods, Farming Co-ops, Peoples Credit Union
What type of business would you open??? ► What are the pros and cons to each form of business ownership???