quanta Isaac Chuang Aram Harrow, Andrew Houck, Steve Huang, Murali Kota, Geva Patz, Matthias Steffen, Andrew Childs *, Jeff Brock, Terri Yu MIT Center for Bits and Atoms
The Quantum Limit inch i micrometer nanometer What happens when 1 bit = atom?
Quantum Information & Quantum Computation (1) Large-scale QC? (2) New cryptographic primitives (3) Education Challenges we are working on:
( Vandersypen, Steffen, Breyta Sherwood, Yannoni, and Chuang, Nature, Dec ) Quantum Factoring The Molecule The Molecule T 2 > 0.3 sec T 2 > 0.3 sec ~ 200 gates First demonstration of Shor’s factoring algorithmFirst demonstration of Shor’s factoring algorithm CNN, 15 = 3 x 5
Large-Scale QC Polymers as quantum computers ( Majornska, Kubinec, Chuang, J. Chem. Phys., Mar 2000 ) Nuclear spins of 31 P in SiNuclear spins of 31 P in Si ( Kane, Nature 393, p133, 1998 ) Electron spins with SiGe FET’sElectron spins with SiGe FET’s ( Yablonovitch, quant-ph )
Quantum Supercomputers? IEEE Computer: Jan 2002, p 79
General-Purpose QC Architecture Teleportation connects comp. units Self-refreshing memory Parallel quantum ALU Classical microprocessor control Dynamic compilation Scheduling Classical Microprocessor Spin Polarized Electrons Qubits Pur EPR EX Classical Bus Quantum Bus
Quantum Information Quantum bits cannot be copied! for times when “Pretty Good” Privacy just isn’t good enough Provably secure communication system Provably secure communication system Quantum software: single-use! Quantum software: single-use! ( Gottesman and Chuang, Nature, Nov. 25, 1999 ) Quantum Digital Signatures Quantum Digital Signatures Provably secure message authentication
Education & Outreach (1) Teaching materials (2) HP/MIT QC course (3) MAS.961 / 8.371J course (4) MIT 8.14 Junior Experimental Lab How do we train a new generation of quantum information scientists?
Experiment #42 Quantum Information Processing MIT Junior Physics Laboratory Spring, 2002 Purpose This experiment will let you perform a series of simple quantum computations on a two spin system, demonstrating one and two quantum-bit quantum logic gates, and a circuit implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm History Founded by Prof. David Cory Ran at MIT Media Laboratory this year Permanent Phys. Dept. setup under construction
Experiment #42 Quantum Information Processing MIT Junior Physics Laboratory Spring, 2002 Purpose This experiment will let you perform a series of simple quantum computations on a two spin system, demonstrating one and two quantum-bit quantum logic gates, and a circuit implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm Accomplishments 10 undergraduates ran experiments Most popular unit in class First new experiment in >4 years Coordinated with undergrad QM class