Justinian I Mini Books: p
In 527, Justinian became emperor; best! – good general – trained in law, music, architecture, & theology – chose people b/c of ability, not wealth or class
Justinian: – controlled the army and navy – made laws – headed the Church – was supreme judge The church taught that the emperor’s acts came from God, therefore he could not be questioned.
Theodora Justinian’s wife Interested in politics helped Justinian rule g?ts=4B157571&key=8CF9B3EF0E199FCB0A268FFD6DA58F1F&referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fslowt alk.com%2Fgroupee%2Fforums%2Fa%2Fga%2Ful%2F %2Finlineimg%2FY%2Ftheod ora.jpg
Gave women more rights: –w–wife could own land and keep wealth she brought to the marriage –w–widows could kept their children w/o government interference –c–converted a palace into a shelter for young girls
In 532, senators organized a revolt & planned to crown a new emperor Against the advice of all others, Theodora urged Justinian to stay & fight Thanks to her, Justinian crushed the uprising & became an even stronger ruler
Law & Public Works Justinian wanted to update laws chose 10 people to update them, headed by a legal scholar named Tribonian became known as “The Justinian Code”
Justinian had the church, Hagia Sophia, rebuilt means “Holy Wisdom” later called St. Sophia still stands today code.jpg&imgrefurl= law.php&usg=__AsOjW580he8w- JjjGb9V0AJrXtw=&h=400&w=268&sz=110&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=3C_GvWx3NRxC- M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djustinian%2Bcode%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
gold altar marble walls mosaics huge dome w/windows – at night, oil lamps shone through & could be seen for miles
Conquest Justinian wanted to reunite the eastern & western parts of the empire and restore the glory of Rome had Belisarius lead the Byzantine army
secret weapon: Greek fire, a chemical mixture that ignited when it touched water burned skin & hard to put out so secretive that ingredients are still unknown
Byzantines gained control of a portion of the Mediterranean, Italy, and North Africa.