Introduction to LAB Reports
The Function of a LAB Report Establishes the purpose of the lab Allows you to analyze a scientific concept Gives you an opportunity to write scientifically in a format very similar to that used by scientists Documents what you have learned
Parts of LAB Report Title Page (5Pts): What is the report about? –Title must be descriptive of your experiment Unacceptable ”Lab Report” or “Pollution Lab” Acceptable “Measurement of Particulate Air Pollution in NPHS” -Include a relevant picture -Include your Name/Period/Date in the LOWER RIGHT corner
Parts of LAB Report Problem / Question to be Answered (2Pts): State the problem or question you are investigating Observations (5Pts): –Background information and research belong in this section –In paragraph form –No more than 1 page –Do NOT write in First person!
Parts of LAB Report Hypothesis (3Pts): Your “testable statement” Can be written as a statement or an “If….then” statement. Acceptable- If fertilizer is added to the plant, then it will grow taller Or “Adding fertilizer will make the plant grow taller”
Parts of LAB Report Experiment – Materials(5pts) & Procedure (10pts): What did you do and how did you do it? List of ALL materials used in your experiment Step by step procedure of how you performed the experiment so another student with your same general knowledge can repeat your experiment. DO NOT assume they know what to do!
Parts of LAB Report Experiment-Data Table (5pts) What did you find? Organized method of recording data Number and Title the data table and graph so you can reference it in your conclusion Title of data table must be descriptive of data you are recording EX. Data Table 1. Number of Bubbles released by Elodea over 10 minutes
Parts of LAB Report Conclusion: (10pts) What have I learned? Accept or Reject your HYPOTHESIS and use DATA (#’s from your data table) to provide support (5pts) Answer analysis questions in paragraph form State 3 sources of error that could have caused erroneous results (3pts) State one question that you developed from doing the lab. (2pts)
Parts of LAB Report References(5pts): What sources were used? MLA or other acceptable format Unacceptable- simply writing Wikipedia PLAGIARISM (including but not limited to copying word for word from any source)=0