Lab 0: Groups and Equipment Start date: Week #2 Due date: no report 1
Agenda Intro to labs Reports Academic Misconduct Groups and Equipment 2
Intro to Labs 7 labs (not including lab 0) Lab 1: assembly language Lab 2: parallel port programming Lab 3: Hex keypad and switch de-bouncing Lab 4: Servo-motor control Lab 5: High-tech etch-a-sketch Lab 6: Interrupt Driven I/O Lab 7: RF/Serial communications 3
Intro to Labs Check Lab manual for the due dates All labs are either 1 or 2 weeks depending on their size Labs are demonstrated to the TA’s during your lab time Reports are due at the start of the demo lab 7 Labs are 25% of your mark, but not necessarily equally distributed! 4
Intro to Labs All labs are performed on MC68HC12 Dragon12-Plus2 evaluation board (EVB) in assembly language You received all your equipment from Nate last week for all the labs Feel free to ask for other equipment as required (ex resistors etc). 5
Intro to Labs NO food or drink in the labs Please clean up your garbage No one is scheduled to be in the labs on the weekends Watch out for that big red button Ensure your equipment is functional before the weekend before the due date 6
Reports 8 standard sections: Problem statement Assumptions and Constraints System Overview and Justification Hardware Software System Manual Error Analysis Performance Analysis 7
Report Problem Statement State briefly what you are doing in the lab, what the goals of the lab are Assumptions and Constraints Any assumptions/constraints you have made Don’t just restate the problem statement 8
Report System Overview and Justification Give a brief description of how the system works and why it was designed like that Ex, what is in hardware vs. software, how the flow of the system works Give us enough information so that we know how your system works before we start getting into hardware/software details 9
Report Hardware Brief explanation of hardware operation For each component, give a description, pinout diagram and pin description as required Any required calculations Whole system wiring diagram (can be in parts) Timing diagram if appropriate 10
Report Software Explain the flow of the software and any subroutines Software flow diagrams can be helpful if the software is more complex Explain how any board systems or interrupts are set-up (ex, how you set up A/D, timer etc.) 11
Report System Manual Give a brief description of how to use your system I.e., if we were to sit down to use your program, how would we make it work? What do you type to start? Does the user give any input? How do we see the results? 12
Report Error Analysis Briefly describe any problems/errors your system has at the time of the demo If the system is functional, describe problems you had during the development and how they were solved Performance Analysis Give a brief analysis of the performance of the system, ex. How fast/optimized is it? How well does the hardware function Any improvements you would recommend 13
Academic Misconduct Reports and demos are submitted as a group, but it is a SINGLE group effort You may talk with other groups but sharing code or reports is NOT ALLOWED Copying code/reports from previous years is also NOT ALLOWED If we find copying we are REQUIRED to report it 14
Groups and Equipment Groups of 3 (max 4) Pick up your equipment from Nate Before you leave, make sure you hook up the board and know how to connect to it 15
Board Setup Connect board to power supply Connect to the PC through usb to serial com (virtual com). 16
Connecting Connect board to power supply Connect board to usb Open MiniIDE Set options (terminal options) COM(X)(terminal tab) 9600 baud rate (terminal tab) Check terminal show terminal window Check terminal connected Press the reset button on the board You should see a D-Bug12 message 17