Graduate Report Crop & Soil Sciences Fall 2015 Miguel Cabrera - Graduate Coordinator Vivienne Sturgill – Academic Advisor II
Overview Graduate Enrollment New GRE Test/Admission Criteria Areas of Emphasis CRSS 6220; CRSS 8220 courses Deadlines/Programs of Study
GraduateStudent Population = 49 Category Graduate Students Female International 26(53%) 21(43%) M.S 22 (15 Soils – 7 Crops) Ph.D 27 (14 Soils – 13 Crops)
Overview Graduate Enrollment New GRE Test/Admission Criteria Areas of Emphasis CRSS 6220; CRSS 8220 courses Deadlines/Programs of Study
New GRE Test - Reminder Old GRE: 800 Verbal; 800 Quantitative New GRE: 170 Verbal; 170 Quantitative
Admission Criteria GRE GPA Dept 300 >=3.5 Grad. Sch. N.A >= >= >= >= 3.4 N.A >= 3.0 Ph.D. Students M.S. Students
Overview Graduate Enrollment New GRE Test/Admission Criteria Areas of Emphasis CRSS 6220; CRSS 8220 courses Deadlines/Programs of Study
Agricultural Genomics - MS Required Courses –GENE 6200: Advanced Genetics (3 hours) OR PBIO 8100: Plant Genetics (4 hours) –PBIO(BINF) 6550: Bioinformatics Applications (2 hours) Select 4 credit hours from the following list: –CRSS(PBGG) (HORT) 8870: Translational Genomics (3 hours) –CRSS(PBGG) (HORT)(PBIO) 8871: Genome Analysis and Comparative Genomics (1 hour) –CRSS(PBGG)(HORT)(PBIO) 8872: QTL Mapping and Discovery (1 hour) –PBIO(GENE)(PATH) 6510: Genome Evolution across the Tree of Life (3 hrs) –GENE 6300: Evolutionary Genomics (3 hours) -
Agricultural Genomics – Ph.D. Select a minimum of 9 credit hours Required Courses (if not taken before) –GENE 6200: Advanced Genetics (3 hours) OR PBIO 8100: Plant Genetics (4 hours) –PBIO(BINF) 6550: Bioinformatics Applications (2 hours) Select 4 credit hours from the following list: –CRSS(PBGG) (HORT) 8870: Translational Genomics (3 hours) –CRSS(PBGG) (HORT)(PBIO) 8871: Genome Analysis and Comparative Genomics (1 hour) –CRSS(PBGG)(HORT)(PBIO) 8872: QTL Mapping and Discovery (1 hour) –CRSS(PBGG) 8890: Plant Cytogenetics (3 hours) –CRSS(PBGG)(HORT) 8140: Advanced Plant Breeding (3 hours) OR PBIO 8720: Plant Variation and Evolution (3 hours) (one or the other, not both) –PBIO(GENE)(PATH) 6510: Genome Evolution across the Tree of Life (3 hrs) –GENE 6300: Evolutionary Genomics (3 hours) –PBIO(BINF) L: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (3 hours)
Sustainable Agriculture – MS and Ph.D. Select 4 courses from the lists below –Food production, Soil Science, Social/Economic Sciences, Technology One course form the following list (Food Production): Fruit Production – HORT 6020/6020L (3 cr) Organic Agricultural Systems – HORT 6125 (4 cr) Agro-food Systems – GEOG 6860 (3 cr) Plant Physiology - CRSS 6430 (3 cr) Advanced Plant Physiology – HORT 8104 (4 cr) Environmental Physiology – HORT 6440/6440L (4 cr) Sustainable Agriculture Management - CRSS 6010 (3 cr) Forage Management and Utilization – CRSS 6260 (3 cr) Advanced topics in Sustainable Agricultural Management – CRSS 8220 (3cr) Seed Technology – CRSS 6310 (3 cr) Weed Science – CRSS 6340 (3 cr) Herbicide Technology – CRSS 6350 (3 cr) Integrated Pest Mgmt - CRSS 6740 (3 cr)
Sustainable Agriculture – MS and Ph.D. One course form the following list (Soil Science): Pedology - CRSS 6540 (3 cr) Soil Erosion and Conservation – CRSS 6580 (3 cr) Soil Fertility - CRSS 6590 (3 cr) Soil Microbiology – CRSS 6610 (3 cr) Soil Physics - CRSS 6600/6600L (4 cr) Env. Soil Chemistry – CRSS 6670 )3 cr) Soil Physical Chemistry - CRSS 8000 (3 cr) Advanced Soil Fertility - CRSS 8520 (3 cr) Soil Biology & Ecology – CRSS 8660/8660L (4 cr) Terrestrial Biogeochemical Cycling – CRSS 8850 (4 cr)
Sustainable Agriculture – MS and Ph.D. One course form the following list (Social/Economic Sciences): Principles of Conserv. Ecology & Sustainable Dev. – ECOL 6080 (3 cr) Advanced topics in Sustainable Agricultural Management – CRSS 8220 (3cr) Conservation Ecology and Resource Management – GEOG 6810 (3 cr) Ecology of Food, Diet & Nutrition – ANTH 6580 (3 cr) Agricultural Anthropology – ANTH 6060 (3 cr) Anthropology of Conservation – ANTH 6085 (3 cr) Foundations of Ecological Anthropology – ANTH 6490 (3 cr) Field Methods –ANTH 6630 (3 cr) Environmental Economics – ENVM 6650 (3 cr) Conservation and Community – ANTH 8540 (3 cr) Seminar in Ecological Anthropology – ANTH 8500 Cultural Dimentions of Biodiversity – ANTH 8520 (3 cr)
Sustainable Agriculture – MS and Ph.D. One course form the following list (Technology): Geographic Information Science – GEOG 6370 (3 cr) GIS Applications in Agriculture – GEOG 6375 (3 cr) Advanced Topics in Precision Agriculture - CRSS 6060 (3 cr) Sensors in Precision Agriculture – CRSS 6030 (3 cr) GIS for Nutrient and Energy Efficiency – CRSS 6050 (3 cr) Remote Sensing of Environment – GEOG 6350 (3 cr) Advanced Remote Sensing – GE)G 8350 (3 cr) Measurement and Control in Plant and Soil Science – HORT 8160 (3 cr)
Overview Graduate Enrollment New GRE Test/Admission Criteria Areas of Emphasis CRSS 6220; CRSS 8220 courses Deadlines/Programs of Study
CRSS 6220/CRSS 8220 Special Topics in Crop and Soil Sciences These are regular courses To avoid confusion and maintain quality, faculty will be asked to submit a syllabus at least 30 days before semester starts CRSS Graduate Committee will evaluate course and issue a recommendation
Overview Graduate Enrollment New GRE Test/Admission Criteria Areas of Emphasis CRSS 6220; CRSS 8220 courses Deadlines/Programs of Study
Submission Deadlines Advisory Committee & Program of Study Research Proposal M.S. Students1 st semester2 nd semester Ph.D. Students2 nd semester
Program of Study Requirements for all students – At least one course in Statistics – CRSS 8100 Graduate Seminar Guided teaching experience (CRSS 7990/9990 or education course) –Mandatory for Ph.D. students –Suggested for M.S. students
Submit Grades for Research Hours Submit grades online when requested All terms, including summer! Go to Registrar’s Office website If grades are not submitted online, forms have to be signed, faxed, etc.
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