Djedai Software for management of data files produced by experiments conducted in Gipsa-lab Date: 12/12/2013 Version: 1.0 Produced by: Anton Andreev, Gipsa-lab/CNRS Contact:
Djedai runs currently only on Microsoft Windows Microsoft.NET 4.0 is required for running Djedai Your computer must be part of the Gipsa-lab domain and you must have access to server: If asked to authorize network access to Djedai, respond positively Installation: How to run: Click on “djedai.exe” Notes: Users of this application are designated as “djedais” Login: Use your Gipsa domain username and password
Allows for organization of experiments, subjects, file locations Allows for adding of meta data for each experiment, subject and/or file. Allows for sharing (between djedais) of experimental meta data and location of files Functionality provided by Djedai: Functionality NOT provided by Djedai: Currently files are not physically stored (uploaded/downloaded) in Djedai. This is still a job of the Djedai user. It is recommended that you store your data on network servers that are accessible by your colleagues. Also you can share files on your local computer. Local paths to shared folders in Djedai are automatically converted, so that other users can access the shared files from the network. Network access rights are still responsibility of the user
Usage Tab 1 Manage Entities: Your first step is to enter the entities that you are going to use: Experiments – this is your basic entity. Note that you can share experiments with other djedais Subjects – e.x. “Sub1”, “Tom1” Modalities – e.x. “EEG”, “Eye-tracker”, “fMRI”. Modalities allow you to isolate one group of files from another based on source. It is also a way to see who else uses the same modality Tags – tags are used exclusively for files. You can tag one or more files as: “Raw data”, “Processed data”, “Mat”, “P300”, “Converted”, etc. Tags can also allow you to see if other djedais use the same type of files.
Usage Tab 2 File Associations (1) Your second step is to explain the data using the entities you have previously entered: Experiments – selecting an experiment will enable some of the buttons and menus on the right. Ticking the checkbox below will also display experiments shared directly to you or your team by other djedais. Subjects – selecting a subject will enable some the menus and buttons on the right Link Modality – allows you to select from a list of predefined modalities that are specific to your current experiment. Adds an extra view in the table below (an extra tab) Add subject and Add modality - two buttons that act as shortcuts to the functionality provided in the first tab (in case you missed entering a modality or a subject)
Usage Tab 2 File Associations (2) Unlink Modality – this is in the case where you had an experiment with two modalities “EEG” and “Eye-tracker”, but for some reason you decided you do not need the “EEG” data at this point. Not that all files related to this modality will be deleted Linked Modalities grid – enlists the selected modalities (one per tab) and the selected files per modality Add Files(s) – opens a file selection dialog. More than one file can be selected. Note that files that are shared on your local computer will be automatically converted, so that they can be accessed by other Gipsa-lab domain users Add tag – attach tags to your files from a predefined list. Note that each tagging overrides the old one.