METHODS FOR CALCULATING GDP Σ(R i -MS i ) = Σ (W j + P j + R j ) = C + I + G + (E- IM) value added = incomes = final demand with: R i, Ms i – sales and material costs of productive unit i, W j, P j, R j – salaries, profits and rents of people engaged in production, C – personal consumption, I - investments, G – government consumption, E – exports and IM - imports
GDP STRUCTURES PRODUCTION INCOMES FINAL DEMAND Value added Salaries Private Consumption Industrial Sectors Dividends Gross Investments (A-F) Retained Profits Government cons. Services Depreciation Exports (G-O) - Imports GDP, factor prices + indirect taxes+ indirect taxes - subsidies- subsidies GDP, market pricesGDP, market prices GDP, market prices - incomes incomes GNP, market pricesGNP market, prices - capital depletion NNP, market prices
THE GDP STRUCTURES IN 2009 EMUEU27SloveniaSEEcountries GDP (bill. €) VALUE ADDED (% of GDP) Agriculture Industry Services INCOMES (% of GDP) Wages Gross profits Indirect taxes FINAL DEMAND (% of GDP) Private consumption Government consumption Investments Exports Imports
GDP MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS Slovenia GDP billions Din, Sit Retail sale prices Producers prices GDP in 1989 prices US$/DinSIT GDP v mil. US$ population GDP/ cap. US$