Woodley g-Pet Glucometer
g-Pet glucometer Species specific Minimal sample volume Rapid results Large data storage Adjustable indicator alarms
Species specific Separate dog and cat Glu-code chips Improved result accuracy Easy to interchange between patients
Why separate species chips? Difference in RBC size Human 7 - 8µm Dogs 6 - 7µm Cats 5.5 - 6µm Difference in plasma glucose distribution Zierlier K, 1999 Whole Body Glucose Metabolism Am J Physiol, 279, E409-E426
Sample requirements Less than 1.5µl required Whole blood Direct venipuncture or marginal ear vein lancet Patient Haematocrit ideally 35 - 55%
Sample requirements Draws sample up the strip by capillary action Confirmation window to ensure adequate sample volume Automatic result countdown
Rapid results 8 seconds to results Automatic display of result Automatic memory storage Readable range 1.1 – 33.3 mmol/l
Additional features 300 results memory storage Four programmable daily alarms Adjustable alert range alarms Automatic shut down to preserve battery life
Quality control Control solution provided with each g-Pet - Check analyser performance - Check strips in event of incorrect storage - Unexpected results - RCVS Quality Control records
“We have been using the Woodley g-Pet glucometer and have found it to be a reliable, quick and easy method of testing our patients’ blood glucose. Our staff now prefer it to the glucometer we used previously as it is far more accurate and reliable”
“The Woodley g-Pet glucometer is very easy to use “The Woodley g-Pet glucometer is very easy to use. It requires a small amount of blood and gives the results in seconds making it ideal for glucose curves. The strips placed in the glucometer then take the small amount of blood required, so there is no need for syringes or blood tubes. With the majority of patients it can be done single handed”
g-Pet package g-Pet glucometer Set of strips with species Glu-code chips Control solution Lancet devise and tips Carry case User guide Laminated Quick reference guide
Woodley g-Pet promise Lifetime replacement guarantee Full documented staff training given Technical support