Web Enhanced Course Evaluation at Columbia University Jack McGourty Columbia University
Overview A little history How does course assessment fit into the “big picture”? Why use web technology? How is it being done? Does it work?
History Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science began using the web for course assessment about four years ago starting with a student administered web site for results Designed and developed state-of-the-art system using student teams Now building on current infrastructure to include on-line tutorials and increased flexibility for administration
Student Web Site Search by course or faculty Current and past results No comments
The Big Picture Why are we assessing courses and programs? Continuous improvement of the education process What are we doing right, and what can we do better? Integral part of our ABET EC2000 Compliance Develop a process Collect and evaluate data Close the loop Document/Archive results Course evaluation one of several outcome assessment measures such as senior exit surveys, enrolled student surveys, and alumni surveys
How WCES Fits in
Using Technology Pro Students have the time to consider their responses Timely feedback Responses are easily analyzed, archived and distributed Less paper Lower cost/efficient administration Con You lose the “captive audience” You can’t guarantee a diversity of opinions Motivated/Non- motivated Like course/Dislike course Not necessarily less effort
Course Assessment Details 10 Core Items Course Quality Instructor Quality Relevant ABET EC2000 Items Pre-selected by faculty member Customized questions for specific course objectives
Selecting EC2000 Questions
Monitoring Faculty Usage One of our culture change metrics is the percentage of faculty who are capitalizing on the system and adding custom and EC2000 questions. Currently around 15%.
Course Evaluation Results Web page access Current term’s assessment Limited time window Limited access Secure site Previous terms results Open access to numerical results; not comments Results Individual faculty Aggregate Data – Department Chairs
Promoting Responses Student-driven results website Multiple targeted s to students and faculty from Dean Announcements in classes Posters all over the school Random prize drawing
Closing the Loop
Does it Work? Student response rates have steadily increased over past two years from 72% to 85% More detail in student written comments in course assessments Data is available that we have never had before Faculty use of ABET EC2000 and Customized question features increasing but still limited (15%)