Below the Belt Above The Belt Head Shots Extremities Mixed Bag
What are the two body parts called?
They are hips.
These two long body parts are at the front of your legs between your knees and your ankles.
They are shins.
These large joints are in the middle of each leg.
They are knees.
These two long body parts between the hips and ankles allow you to walk and run.
They are legs.
These two joints are between your feet and your legs.
They are ankles.
What are these two body parts called?
They are shoulders.
This flexible body part allows you to turn your head in many different directions.
It is the neck.
These two large joints are in the middle of your arms.
They are elbows.
This body part holds your heart and lungs.
It is the chest.
These joints, between your arms and your hands, are where you tie your watch.
They are wrists.
What is this body part?
It is the chin.
This is where you put your food when you eat and how you talk.
It is the mouth.
You hear things with these two parts of your body.
They are ears.
You smell things with this body part.
It is the nose.
You see the world with these two small balls that come in different colors.
They are eyes.
What are these two body parts called?
They are heels.
There are ten of these long body parts. Five on each hand.
They are fingers.
These two body parts at the end of your arms enable you to hold things.
They are the hands.
These ten small digits are like fingers at the end of your feet.
They are toes.
These two body parts are in your shoes and have five toes on each one.
They are the feet.
What is this body part?
It is the belly button.
This round body part is where the eyes, nose, ears and mouth are all located.
It is the head.
These two long limbs are between your shoulders and your wrists.
They are arms.
This is where a belt is tied around your body to hold your pants up.
It is the waist.
These two large and long body parts used for walking are between the hips and the knees.
They are thighs.