Specialist PSI Exercise Module Posture & Postural Training Practical
Specialist PSI Exercise Module Where is Fred’s Centre of Gravity?
Specialist PSI Exercise Module He is much more stable now….
Specialist PSI Exercise Module
Ideal Posture
Specialist PSI Exercise Module poor habitual posture poor bio-mechanical alignment poor muscle balance adaptive soft tissue shortening compression & stretch of nerves & blood vessels abnormal movement affects balance mechanisms increased risk of injury & disease fear of challenging situations inactivity Isolation, depression
Specialist PSI Exercise Module
Position of head, eyes, chin Position of arms, shoulders, elbows, wrists Position of spine - cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar Position of pelvis Position of legs, hip, knee & foot Overall tone Forward Flexion Seated Posture
Specialist PSI Exercise Module Postural Training Practical Correct posture –ideal –real Assessment –Alignment –Symmetry –Weight transference / foot pattern –Rhythm –Static –Dynamic
Specialist PSI Exercise Module Checklist for Standing Posture Assessment Front –Eyes –Chin –Clavicles –Ribs –Hips –Knees –Ankles –Arch of feet Side –Angle of head / jaw / spine –Shoulder –Pelvis –Hand –Back of knee Back –Angle of spine / jaw –Shoulder –Scapulae / Sacro- iliacs –Back of knees –Ankles –Heels and arch of feet
Specialist PSI Exercise Module Assessment – in pairs Observation Analysis Solution Review Postural Training Practical