MNA Mosby’s Long Term Care Assistant Chapter 16 Body Mechanics
Body Mechanics Using the body in an efficient and careful way Good posture Good balance Using the strongest & largest muscles for work
Body Alignment Posture Positioning body parts in relation to one another
The area on which an object rests Base of Support The area on which an object rests Good base of support is needed for balance
Body Mechanics Bend knees and squat to lift heavy object Hold items close to your body Use strong muscles in legs and arms NOT in your back
Body Mechanics Use wide base of support Avoid unnecessary bending, & reaching Face your work area Push, slide or pull heavy objects if possible
Body Mechanics Work with smooth & even movements Get help from co-worker Do not lift heavy objects higher then chest level.
Ergonomics Designing the job to fit the worker. Reduces stress on the worker’s body.
Work related musculo-skeletal disorder WMSD Injuries to the muscles, tendon, ligaments, joints, cartilage. Can involve the nervous system. Work related musculo-skeletal disorder
Positioning Residents are repositioned Q2H Promotes: Comfort Respiration Circulation Prevents: Contractures Decubitus ulcers Residents are repositioned Q2H
Positioning Lateral - Side
Positioning Supine - back. also called dorsal recumbent
Positioning Prone - stomach
Positioning Fowlers - Head elevated
Positioning Sims - side with the under arm behind the back and the upper thigh flexed.
Having the head, trunks, arms, and legs aligned with one another Review Good body alignment means Having the head, trunks, arms, and legs aligned with one another
Review Good body mechanics includes having the job fit the worker. True False
Review What position…………The HOB is raised 45 degrees ? Semi fowlers
Review Hold heavy objects away from your body True or False
Residents are positioned at least every Review Residents are positioned at least every A. shift day 2 hours 30 minutes
Review Good body mechanics involves using the muscles in your back and lower arms . True or False
Review Sims
Review Lateral
Review Supine
Review Fowlers
Review Prone
Review Stat Immediately QOD Every other day CBR Complete bed rest BID Twice a day Bed rest BR
Review Q2H Every 2 hours HOB Elevate head of bed SR Side rails BRP Bathroom privileges TID Three times a day
Review BSC Bed side commode As needed PRN SOB Side of bed c with without S
Review W/C Wheel chair ambulate amb 4 times a day QID x except Bed time HS