Hip Rehab Sports Med 2
Athlete must maintain cardiorespiratory fitness Bike swimming Total body strengthening Muscle endurance Proper stretching Proprioception PNF Important to remember that initial rehab must be pain free
Phase 1 Isometric contractions ROM PNF stretching Pool Rehab (non-wt. bearing) running Kicking ROM
Phase 2 Passive Stretching Balancing Isotonic contractions Squatting Hamstring curls Pilates High knees Ball squeezes
Phase3 Static and Dynamic Stretching Lunges MMTs w/band resistance Squatting On bosu ball or with weight Hamstring curls With weight Pilates Increase difficulty High knees Sprint with resistance band on waist
Functional Progression Light weights w/more reps to heavier weights w/less reps Walking to jogging to sprinting
Functional testing (phase 3) Squatting Going up and down stairs one at a time Crossing the legs Going up and down stairs 2 at a time Running straight ahead Running and decelerating Running and twisting One legged hop Jumping Zig zag running
Return to play criteria Full ROM in all movements Pain free Bilateral strength stability