Unit 1 – Preparation for Assessment 1.2 Discuss approaches to auditing the capabilities and capacity of an college in or der to evaluate its readiness to undertake assessments.
Readiness to undertake assessments Readiness for assessment A readiness assessment is a planning tool to help identify gaps in existing strategies and processes.
Understanding assessment - The Quality Assurance Agency... assessment.pdf assessment.pdf Understanding assessment: its role in safeguarding... Note: This guide is based on Chapter B6: Assessment of students and the recognition of prior learning of.
Understanding assessment - The Quality Assurance Agency... Introducing assessment Assessment in course design Mitigating or exceptional circumstances Disabled students Feedback on assessment Marking Boards of examiners Assessment regulations and degree classification Academic integrity in assessment Complaints and appeals Recording student achievement Monitoring and reviewing arrangements for assessment
Understanding assessment - The Quality Assurance Agency... Introducing assessment There is no generally agreed definition of assessment. For the purposes of the Quality Code, QAA defines it as 'any processes that appraise an individual's knowledge, understanding, abilities or skills'.
Defining assessment The American Association for Higher Education offers a more extensive definition Assessment is an on-going process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering, analysing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance. When it is embedded effectively within larger institutional systems, assessment can help us focus our collective attention, examine our assumptions, and create a shared academic culture dedicated to assuring and improving the quality of higher education. (Angelo, 1995, p 7)
Improving student assessment assessment
Assessment Careers Project essment%20Careers%20Project essment%20Careers%20Project /digiassess.aspx /digiassess.aspx education/case-studies.html education/case-studies.html
Readiness to undertake assessments Stakeholders Stakeholders represent the consumers of learning metrics. These may include the following: Understanding stakeholder needs is a way to identify the types of metrics that these consumers are interested.
Readiness to undertake assessments Process Process represents development of the inputs, activities, and outputs of learning measurement.
Readiness to undertake assessments Technology Technology is the last, but not least, component of a learning analytics readiness assessment to consider. Technology is studied to understand where manual tasks can be automated and to help streamline administration.
Readiness to undertake assessments Performance assessment system In the era of accountability the use of standards as benchmarks, creation of performance events as measures of evidence based knowledge, and the design of assessment systems emerge as mechanisms for assuring goals of quality for educator preparation.
Readiness to undertake assessments References