Dik Dik Small Antelope (7-16 lbs) Monogamous & Territorial Variety of habitats, but usually with cover Females Slightly Larger, only males with horns
Defassa Waterbuck Will enter water to escape predators Sweat Glands make unpleasant odor in its meat Only Males have horns
Fringe-eared Oryx Long Straight Horns (both sexes); Unicorns… Body temp 115 Eat at night
White Rhino “wide” lower lip Females “crashes” with up to 14 Adult Males Solitary – Mark Territory with Feces and Urine Threat displays – wiping horn on ground, head-low posture with ears back and snarl sounds
Sable Antelope Drop to Knees for Fighting Polygynous – Females have dominance hierarchy Both Sexes with horns
Gerenuk Long Neck Able to stand on rear legs and reach higher in tree than others Modified Vertebral Column Only males have horns