STRENGTH ACTIVITY OF THE MONTH We acquire the strength we have overcome. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from a determined will. - MMahatma Gandhi
Basic Push Ups ~Choose to use either knees or toes ~Keep your neck and back flat!! (no “mountains” or “valleys”) ~Bend only your elbows until they are in a 90 degree angle ~Exhale and push back up to your beginning stance This is not done for speed! The slower you go, the more muscles have work, which means they get stronger!! Month of September
Lunges Feet shoulder width apart, step forward with right foot Keeping torso upright, bend right knee until it forms 90 deg. angle (don’t let right knee go past your toes) and left knee is close to the ground Pause and push off of right knee to return to standing position Alternate legs Month of October