Papirflyt gjennom verdikjeden for transport – overgang til digitalt (Olav Madland, Seamless AS) Digitale løsninger i intermodal logistikk Source: Seamless ©
2 Seamless operational segments Segment Public Ports & Terminal Operations Offshore O&G Supply Bases Industrial Ports & Terminal Operations Seamless customers Port Authorities Terminal operators (Vessel owners) Supply base operatorsPort owner/ authority/ operator Terminal operator Landbased transporters/ logistics (Vessel owners) Landbased transporters/ logistics Source: Seamless ©
3 Historie?
4 = Improved Control due to integrated community – Shared Information Information Flow is to much Port Autorities Shipping Line Haulage Companies Port Security Officer Port Autorities Shipping Line Haulage Companies Port Security Officers Terminal Operators Key opportunity areas to implement better communication: Reduce number og error and misunderstandings Reduce data entry overhead Reduce paperwork and a lot of Improve operational efficiency Improve cross-system integration Improve cross-company integration Capacity building Improve competitive advantage Provide better utilization of plant and equipment Provide better trade facilitation Improve management reporting and analysis Exporters and Importers Exporters and Imports Coastal Administration x Stage 5 Community & Global EKSTERNE INTERNE PortTools
5 Supply Chain to offshore (Stage 5) Lean Logistics with high security Control Pre-booked Vessels, efficient document management with up to date schedules and cargo to be loaded and discharged. Automatic Load and discharge control with weight control Control: Pre-authorized: Vendors, Transport companies, Drivers, Vehicles and Container ID and booking with Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCC) PortTools FSA Master data with Preauthorized Companies with their a)Personnel with relevant induction b)ID and Access CARDs NEXT c)Transport Equipment with Identifications - Communicate two ways with the the 3 major international Security Systems (G4TECH/ Stanley SM, Lenel and Remsdaq) Todays status 1500 companies a)12000 drivers b)12000 vehicles c)SSCC flow is under analysis with GS1 for efficient and standardized implementation Port and terminal Source: Seamless ©
6 Courses for ISPS Course ( Courses Transport Company Courses for drivers Courses for employers and safety managers Courses for general users of the terminal Courses for individuals Courses for employers and safety managers PortTools FSA Control of security agreements and ID card. ISPS terminals share approvals and re-use access cards across ISPS terminals. All relevant documents are available on WEB Induction system and access control are aligned. Inadequate induction means no access card or lost access Seamless interaction with access control and various identification card technologies Port Tools ® FSA is integrated with multiple access control systems. Vehicle information and access cards is automatically available across many terminals Easy access to event management and analysis Increased revenue and improved control Elektronisk signatur